Index of Surnames

, 3Rd, Abold, Anderson, Armstrong, Arrington, Baker, Barron, Bast, Bates, Beard, Belling, Bissell, Bonomi, Borrelson, Bowls, Boyd, Brooks, Bryant, Butcher, Christensen, Cleavenger, Coleman, Conan, DLaina, Daniel, Davis, Dobson, Donaldson, Doyle, Drake, Foster, Friend, Garrett, Geyer, Good, Guenther, Hanke, Hedgers, Heinz, Henderson, Herrickck, Hicks, Hirschfeld, Hope, Hughes, Inslee, Johnson, Jones, Kassel, Kay, Kerstetter, Kidd, Kinnear, Kneschkin, Koch, Koenon, Kruger, Logan, Longland, Madsen, Mason, Maybee, McCutcheon, McIntire, McLaughlin, Meyer, Muir, Naylor, Neidigh, Nelson, Nordlund, O`Bryan, Ogden, One, Oppelt, Pankowski, Peterson, Pfirter, Pollard, Randall, Randle, Redwine, Richardson, Robinson, Rudisill, Rye, Schultz, Slack, Snodgrass, St.Claire, Starks, Tanasse, Thomas, Thompson, Unknown, Valley, Veeders, Vest, Westhafer, Wight, Willey, Wiser, Withrow, Wood, Wyerts


This database is © 1998 by Don Drake. (Editor's note: sadly, Don Drake passed away in 2001. This database will be kept up for the time being to assist other researchers interested in the Drake - Oppelt - Veeder families.)

Created by Sparrowhawk 1.0 (4/17/1996) on Wed Oct 21 21:46:39 1998