Hines, H. K. "An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon." Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1893. p. 934. AUGUSTUS J. FANNO a native son of Washington counts, and one of her roost successful citizens, was born on his father's donation claim March 19, 1855. His father, Augustus Fanno, also came to Oregon in 1846, and was born in the State of Maine, in Cumberland county, March 26, 1801. The family ancestors came from France, and grandfather Fanno came to America during the "reign of terror" in France, being, despoiled of his estate, and proscribed by the Revolutionists. He settled with his family near Portland, Maine. His grandson, the father of our subject, at the age of twenty years, became a seafaring man, and for a number of years followed the sea for a living. Finally he left that life and taught school in the State of Missouri, and there married Miss Martha Ferguson, a native of that State. One child was born in that State, Eugene B., and he now is a resident of Newport. With his wife and child, Mr. Fanno moved to Oregon, in 1846, but after he had landed in this State his wife died in Oregon City, and her burial took place at Linn City. After this affliction Mr. Fanno came to his donation claim of 640 acres in the spring of 1847, his nearest neighbor then being five miles away from him. In 1849 he married Miss Rebecca J. Denny, a native of Kentucky, born in 1819. Six children were born to this marriage, two of them died in infancy, and the others were Augustus, who is our subject; Zantaphine, who married I. L. Morelock, and resides on a farm near the old homestead; Ziona, who married James D. Wilmot, and resides on a part of the old donation claim; and A. R., who is a partner with his brother, Augustus, on the claim. The father of the family died January 29, 1884, in the eightieth year of his age. He had been a man of peace, a good, honest, industrious citizen, and left his children a rich farm, and the richer heritage of a good name. Our subject was reared on the farm near Portland, and was educated at the Tualatin Academy. When he became of age he engaged in farming, raising in particular onions, on a large tract of Beaver-darn land. In this business he has prospered until he is one of the largest and most successful onion-raisers in the State, shipping each year large quantities of onions to California and the Northwest, and many bushels, thousands of them, to Alaska annually. Besides his farming operations, our subject is interested in other business enterprises, and is a thoroughly practical and capable business man of the highest business integrity. His marriage occurred December 31, 1879, to Miss Kate Guerin, a native of Missouri, born in 1856, and a daughter of W. H. Guerin, a lawyer of Sturgeon, Missouri. One child has been born of this marriage, Helen, now in her twelfth year. In politics Mr. Fanno has voted the Republican ticket, but in recent years he has given his attention to the reform questions in politics. Mrs. Fanno is a member of the Christian Church, and a very estimable lady. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in February 2007 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.