"An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties : with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon." Chicago?: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902. Page 303. Baker County. EDWARD W. COLES Among the sons of Baker county who have grown up to reflect credit, by their industry and ability in commercial pursuits, or in other walks of life, upon the place of their birth must be numbered the enterprising young stock man whose name appears above. His past achievements give promise of much greater successes to be realized in the future and we many be pardoned in expecting that time will make Mr. Coles one of the stock kings of the county. As already implied, our subject is a native of the political division with which our volume primarily concerns itself, and the date of his advent into life is October 11, 1878. He is the son of Fred C. Coles, one of the early settlers of this section, who died at the family home a half mile north of Haines in 1895, and his mother, now Mrs. Richmond, is the daughter of Augustus George, another pioneer of an early date. Mr. Coles acquired his education in the local public schools, in the high school at Baker City and in the Portland Business College, which latter institution he left in 1894, being called away by his father's illness. Since that time he has been in charge of the Coles stock ranch constantly. He keeps about two hundred head of graded Shorthorn and Hereford cattle also about two hundred head of Poland China hogs, many of which are registered. Our subject takes especial pride in these latter, and deals quite extensively in registered Poland-Chinas, buying and selling. Fraternally, Mr. Coles is affiliated with Haines Lodge, No. 11, A.O.U.W., and with No. 144, W. of W., of the same place. At the home of her mother five miles west of Haines, on November 3, 1897, he married Miss Ollie, a daughter of James and Annie Taylor and a native of Missouri. Their union has been blest by the advent of one daughter, Leatha L. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in September 2005 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.