Gaston, Joseph. "The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811-1912." Vol. 2. Chicago, Clarke Publishing Co., 1912. p. 511. JOHN I. MYERS One of the best known and most extensive farmers and stock-raisers in Baker county is John I. Myers of Haines. He was born in Union county, Oregon. May 20, 1872. His father, C. A. Myers, was born in Missouri in 1843 and now lives in Union county, Oregon. The mother, whose maiden name was Rachel Margaret Wade, was a native of Virginia. C. A. Myers was among the early overland emigrants to Oregon, a journey which he made in 1865. John I. Myers received a common-school education in Oregon. He remained under the parental roof until 1903, having after the attainment of his majority been engaged with his father in agricultural pursuits. In 1903 he bought a farm of seven hundred and eighty acres in Baker county, which he has by his ability, skill and industry brought under a fine state of cultivation and well improved. He is an extensive and well known raiser of hogs and mules. In 1903 Mr. Myers was married to Miss Rebecca Balderee and to this union one child has been born, Francelia, her birth occurring April 19, 1905. Politically Mr. Myers is affiliated with the democratic party and although his chief attention has been given to business affairs, he has been for two years director in the local school district. Fraternally he is identified with the Masonic lodge and also belongs to the Farmers Union. His wife is a member of the Methodist church. John I. Myers is a man of large business capacity and of keen intellect and in the handling of his large farm has been most industrious and successful. Be is widely and popularly known and his business dealings with his fellowmen have always been characterized by that honesty and justice which make for a successful career. In addition to the very extensive business acquaintance which he has formed he is also popular with a large circle of friends, where he is a great favorite. His life work and business activities have been a large factor in the growth and upbuilding of Baker county and he is one of those men whom any community is fortunate in numbering among its citizens. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in April 2007 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.