Gaston, Joseph. "The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811-1912." Vol. 2. Chicago, Clarke Publishing Co., 1912. p. 44. ROBERT ELLIS RINGO a prominent physician and surgeon of Pendleton, was born in Weston, Oregon, August 19, 1872. His parents were William Harvey and Ardelia Ringo, both of whom were natives of Clay county, Missouri, and came in early life to Oregon, crossing the plains with ox-teams, the father arriving in 1851 and the mother in 1852. They were married in Salem and settled near that city on a claim which was located on the French prairie. The mother now lives in Salem, the father having passed away in May, 1909. Robert Ellis Ringo grew to manhood in his native state and in the Oregon State Normal School at Monmouth laid the foundation for his education. He was graduated from that institution with the class of 1894 and for five years thereafter was engaged in teaching school, an occupation in which he earned the money that later paid his way through college. Subsequently he enrolled as a student in the Willamette Medical College at Salem and was graduated with the class of 1901. During the year of 1903 he studied in the New York Post Graduate School. Thereafter he located for practice in Pendleton where he has secured an extensive patronage, and is rated as one of the most capable physicians of this section of the state. He owns a beautiful residence in this city and also has a forty acre tract of irrigated land at Bend, Oregon. On the 7th of June, 1905, Dr. Ringo was united in marriage with Miss Blanche G. Smith, the daughter of James M. and Sarah Smith of Umatilla county, the father having been a well known stockman there. Both parents are now deceased. To Dr. and Mrs. Ringo has been born one son, Robert, who is now five years of age. Politically Dr. Ringo votes the independent ticket. He is an active member of the Baptist church and for the past nine years has served as a chairman of the board of trustees. Fraternally he is identified with the Nasburg Lodge, No. 93, A. F. & A. M., of Helix; with the Pendleton Lodge, No. 288, B. P. 0. E.; with the Damon Lodge, No. 4, K. of P.; with the Viola Lodge, A. 0. U. W.; with the Pendleton Lodge, W. 0. W., and with the Royal Order of Moose. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Oregon State Medical Society, the Eastern Oregon Medical Society and the Pendleton City and County Medical Society. Through these different organizations, Dr. Ringo keeps in touch with the discoveries that are being made in the medical world today. He is greatly interested in, and is well equipped for his chosen life work and is continually promoting his efficiency through reading and investigation. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in November 2007 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.