"Portrait & Biographical Record of Portland & Vinc. Oregon." Chapman Publishing Company, 1903. p. 542. SAMUEL H. RANEY The life of Samuel H. Raney has been evenly progressive, and has gradually led up to his present high standing among the farmers of Clackamas county. He was born in Monroe county, Mo., February 19, 1841, to which state his father, Benjamin Raney, had emigrated from Kentucky several years before, and where his death occurred in 1846. The father was born in Virginia, while his wife, Margaret Scott, was a native of Lexington, Ky., and died in 1892. When his father died Samuel H. Raney was five years of age, and he continued to live with his mother until coming to the west in 1864. In company with Hugh Glenn, he started across the plains with a mule team, three hundred head of loose mules, forty horses, and nine other animals, and at the expiration of sixty-seven days from Missouri located in El Dorado county, Cal., where he worked in a saw-mill for six months. November 1, 1864, he removed to Oregon, spent the first winter in Springwater, and the next summer went to the mines in Canyon City, remaining for about a year. The next twelve months were spent in Springwater, Clackamas county, after which Mr. Raney settled on land near Currinsville and engaged in the saw-mill business for three years. Eventually he bought two hundred and twenty-five acres of land, comprising the old Wade donation claim, upon which he lived for twelve years, and in 1882 came onto his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres, one and a half miles southeast of Springwater, and which is part of the old Wallenstein donation claim. There were no improvements at the time, and the fact that there are now sixty acres under cultivation argues that Mr. Raney has not been addicted to idleness, or missed the opportunities by which he is surrounded. He is engaged in general farming, for which he has all manner of modern machinery, good barns and outhouses, and generally fine improvements. In 1865 Mr. Raney married Mrs. Vestie Glover, of which union the following children have been born: Benjamin, of Gresham, Ore.; Harley, on the home farm; Bird, wife of Benjamin Whitehead, of Portland; Lena; Charles; Liney ; George ; and William. Mr. Raney is a stanch Democrat in political affiliation, and has promoted the interests of his party while serving as road supervisor and school director. He is a member of the Maccabees of Springwater, and is otherwise identified with the social life of the community. Mr. Raney is regarded by his friends as one of the most public-spirited citizens of Clackamas county, and is always found ready to promote the best interests of the community in all possible ways when opportunities for doing so present themselves. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in March 2007 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.