Hines, H. K. "An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon." Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1893. p. 301. SETH LUEN POPE eldest son of Captain Seth Pope, was born in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, March, 1837, and began to follow the sea when fourteen years of age. In December, 1853, he, with his younger brother, sailed from Boston to join their father in Oregon, and arrived at St. Helen's in May, 1854. The following year he took up a claim on Cha-la-cha prairie (now Clark county, Washington), where he remained till the breaking out of the Indian war of that year, when, the Indians having destroyed all his improvements, he again followed the sea as an officer of the bark Desdemona, until 1858. Meeting with an accident, he returned to his father's farm, and remained till 1862, when he went to the Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon, and was employed in a sash and door manufactory. In 1866 he went to Pen-de-Orielle lake (now in Idaho), where he assisted in opening up the new route to the mines in Montana, and was running on the steamer there two years. In 1868 he remained at the Dalles as agent and secretary of a woolen mill, but in 1869 - 70 returned to Pen de-Orielle lake as agent and manager of the steamboat company, during which time he ran the steamers Missoula and Cabinet over Heron's rapids, and through Cabinet canon to the lake below, a very dangerous undertaking, but successfully accomplished. In 1870 he returned to Portland, and for a few years was employed in Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express; was also Secretary of the Masonic Building Association, and from 1875 to 1880 was agent and manager of a mutual life association. In the latter year he assumed the management of the telephone business, erecting the first plant and general system. In 1883 ill health caused him to relinquish this, and for four years he was with the old water company; then was one year in the mountains, examining mining locations, and the following year was cashier and assistant secretary of the Transcontinental Street Railway Company. Mr. Pope is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, being one of the few who have attained the thirty-third degree of the Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction. He has not only received but has also conferred all the degrees in the York rite, being Past Eminent Commander of the Knights Templar, Past Grand High Priest, and at present is Master of Portland Lodge, No. 55, A. F. & A. M. He is also a member of the Oregon Pioneer Society. In politics he has generally allied himself with the Democratic party, but is liberal and independent in his views. He has thus seen the growth and development of Oregon and the northwest coast, and is well informed on general topics. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in January 2007 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.