Clark, Robert Carlton, Ph.D. "History of the Willamette Valley Oregon." Vol. 3. Chicago: Chapman Publishing Company, 1927. p. 71. VINAL T. RANDALL Numbered among the younger business men of Cottage Grove who are achieving noteworthy success is Vinal T. Randall, junior member of the firm of Godard & Randall, which stands in the front rank of the successful general contracting firms of Lane county. He was born in Marshall county, Iowa, in 1895, and is a son of Ira A. and Eva (Cooper) Randall, who brought their family to Cottage Grove in 1908. The father was for a time engaged in the real estate business and later turned his attention to farming for a time, but is now connected with Godard & Randall. Vinal T. Randall secured his education in the public schools, graduating from the Cottage Grove high school in 1915. In 1917 he enlisted in the United States Heavy Artillery, with which he was overseas ten months, during two and a half months of which time he saw active service at the front. At the close of the war he was honorably discharged and then engaged in farming and teaming until April 22, 1922, when he became a member of the firm of Godard & Randall, his partner being Sherman L. Godard, in whose sketch, on other pages of this work, may be found more detailed reference to the business in which they are engaged. Mr. Randall has devoted himself closely to the interests of the firm and has shown himself an able and capable business man. In 1920 Mr. Randall was united in marriage to Miss Ruth Powell, of Cottage Grove, and they have a son, Vinal T., Jr. Mr. Randall is a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, in which he has received the Royal Arch degrees, and belongs to the American Legion. In his political views he is a republican. Friendly and affable in manner, he has a wide acquaintance throughout this locality and stands high in the esteem of all who know him. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in February 2011 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.