Hunt, Herbert and Floyd C. Kaylor. Washington: West of the Cascades. Vol. II. Chicago, S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1917. p. 583-584. COOK, RAYMOND EDWARD: Prominent among the successful educators of western Washington is Raymond Edward Cook, who for the past three years has been superintendent of the schools of Chehalis. A native of Washington, he was born in Freeport, Cowlitz county, February 1, 1884, and is a son of F. R. and Iona A. (Bacon) Cook, who are natives of Ohio and Wisconsin respectively. For a time the parents resided in California, but in 1879 came to Washington and the father took up a homestead at Silverlake in Cowlitz county, where he lived for a time. Later he removed to Freeport and from there to Sandy Bend, but now makes his home near Castle Rock, Washington. He has always taken a prominent part in public affairs and for a number of years has served as county commissioner in Cowlitz county. He has also borne an influential part in the work of the Grange and was master of Pleasant Hill Grange for several terms and later of the Sandy Bend Grange. To him and his wife where born seven children and Raymond Edward is the oldest now living. During his boyhood Mr. Cook of this review attended the county schools at Sandy Bend and Castle Rock and subsequently entered the College of Puget Sound at Tacoma, from which he was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1907. Since then he has taken post graduate work at the University of Washington. For one year he taught school at Castle Rock and also coachd the athletic team at that place. He next served as superintendent of schools at Chelan for two years and at Waterville for one year, after which he was principlal of Bremerton-Charleston Union High School for three years. In 1914 he accepted the superintendency of the schools of Chehalis, where he has since labored with such good results. On the 20th of August, 1908, Mr. Cook was united in marriage to Miss Leola Adeline Barrett, a daughter of John N. Barrett, who is at the head of the Barrett Printing Company of Tacoma. Mrs. Cook was graduated from the College of Puget Sound with the class of 1908 and for two years taught in the Chelan high school. In his political views Mr. Cook is liberal and progressive, voting for the man rather than the party. He is now serving as a member of the county board of education of Lewis county and is also president of the Lewis County School Masters' Club and a trustee of the College of Puget Sound. He is a member of the Phi Delta Kappa, an educational fraternity, and occupies a prominent position in the ranks of his profession in western Washington. He has done much to promote the interests of the schools in this part of the state and stands shoulder to shoulder with those who are devoting their lives to the training of boys and girls that they may become better citizens and occupy more responsible positions. Fraternally Mr. Cook is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Brotherhood of American Yeoman and religiously he is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church, now serving as steward of the church. Although a young man he has already attained a position of prominence in his chosen calling and he is held in highest regard by all who know him. [Transcriber's notes: The College of Puget Sound is now the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA. Its Archives Department (at may be able to provide more information on Raymond and Leola Cook.] Submitted by: Jenny Tenlen,