"An Illustrated History of the Big Bend Country; Embracing Lincoln, Douglas, Adams and Franklin Counties; State of Washington". Spokane, Western Historical Publishing Company, Publishers, 1904. pp. 859-860. JOHN J. DEWALD is a well-to-do farmer residing on a three hundred and sixty-acre tract of agricultural land three and one-half miles north of Paha, Adams county. He was born in Russia, June 22, 1873, and was the son of George J. and Mary (Rhoderberger) Dewald a brief sketch of whose lives is incorporated with the sketch of the life of Jacob Dewald, a brother of our subject, which may be found elsewhere in this history. A register of the brothers and sisters of Mr. Dewald is also given with the sketch of the brother mentioned. John J. Dewald is a man of good common school education, which he acquired in Hitchcock county, Nebraska. In 1882 he came with his parents to Walla Walla and later removed to Klickatat county, Washington. He made his home with his parents until attaining the age of twenty-five years, when he purchased his present farm, which since that time has furnished him a pleasant home and more then a living. He had managed each year to set aside some capital until now he is one of the prosperous and substantial citizens of his county. His land is all under cultivation and will improved, is well located, and contains a first class orchard and fine farm buildings. Mr. Dewald was married in 1900 to Mary Oestreich, daughter of Kasper and Katie Oestreich, native Russians who came to America in 1872. They first located in Nebraska, and later came to their present location. Mrs. Dewald is a sister of Peter, John, Henry, Christ, and Mrs. Lizzie Dewald, wife of the subjectís brother George. In political circles, Mr. Dewald affiliates with the Republican party, and is a diligent party worker. he also takes a deep interest in school matters, and is now, and has been for three years, the clerk of his local school board. He holds membership in the M. W. A., of Ritzville, and both he and Mrs. Dewald are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Dewald are the parents of three children, Jesse L., Leland R., and Ellen, aged four years, two years and six months, respectively. Submitted by: Georgia Harter Williams, georgiahw@earthlink.net