An Illustrated History of the State of Washington, by Rev. H.K. Hines, D.D., The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago, IL., 1893, pages 472-473 S.N. SECRIST, ex-Sheriff of Clarke county, Washington, was born in Marysville, Grant county, Indiana, January 17, 1845, a son of Michael and Mary (McMahill) Secrist, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of Kentucky. The father was born 1813, and was among the early pioneers of Ohio and Indiana. The Secrists are of Swiss origin, the ancestors having settled in settled in Virginia in the latter part of the seventeenth century. Henry Secrist and William Mc Mahill, grandfathers of our subject, were patriot soldiers in the war of 1812. S.N. Secrist, the subject of this sketch, located with his parents in the southern portion of Iowa when he was quite young. At the age of sixteen years he began the battle of life on his own account; crossed the plains to Idaho, where he engaged in mining two years, and thence to Denver. At the latter place he enlisted as a private in the First Colorado Cavalry, and served on the frontier until 1866. Mr. Secrist then visited the haunts of his boyhood home, where he was engaged in mining and farming until 1812, and in that year located in Vancouver, Washington. He immediately took up a homestead of 160 acres adjoining the city, of which he still owns about eighty acres, and fifteen acres ofí the latter is devoted to fruit trees, which are in a healthy and thriving condition, giving good returns of fruit. He also owns residence property in the city. As a lumber merchant Mr. Secrist is considered an expert; was United States Inspector for the district from 1887 to 1889; was one of the organizers of the Fruit Valley Grange, but resigned the management of their co-operative store to assume the duties of County Sheriff. Politically, he is a stanch and active Democrat, was the choice of his party for his present office in 1887, and was re elected in 1890. He has always taken an active interest in school work, and has been a member of the Board of Directors for over twelve years. March 22, 1868, in Iowa, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Odem, a native of Indiana. To this union have been born thirteen children, eight now living, namely: James M., John T., Mary, Frederick, George W., William H., Fanny M., and Grace M. In his social relations, Mr. Secrist affiliates with the K. of P., the I.O.O.F., also the Encampment degree of the latter order, and the P. of H. Submitted to the WA. Bios Project in October 2003 by Jeffrey L. Elmer * * * * Notice: These biographies were transcribed for the Washington Biographies Project. Unless otherwise stated, no further information is available on the individual featured in the biographies.