"Illustrated History of Lane County, Oregon." Portland, Oregon: A. G. Walling, publisher, 1884. pg. 494. ALEX A. KING Was born in La Fayette county, Missouri, June 15, 1829. He left the land of his birth to cross the plains in 1851 and settled in Lane county, which he did in November 1851. His first settlement was made near Pleasant Hill, but subsequently he roamed from place to place, in the mean time serving in the Rogue River war in 1855-6, until 1862 when he purchased his present farm in Springfield precinct four miles from Eugene City. Here this old pioneer is permanently located, cultivating his land and tending his hop yards, and he is a gentleman it is a pleasure to meet. He married Sarah L. Watson, and they have one child. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in May 2005 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.