An Illustrated History of Central Oregon, Western Historical Publishing Company, Spokane, WA. 1905, pages 267. ARCHIBALD C. MOAD, one of the progressive and popular citizens of Tygh valley, Wasco county, is a general blacksmith and wagon maker. He is a native Oregonian, having been born in Boyd, Oregon, June 19, 1874. He is the son of John N. and Mary E. (Flett) Moad, the father a native of Missouri, the mother of Quebec Province, Canada. In 1848 the father came alone across the plains to California, where for a few years he was engaged in mining. He went thence to Oregon and engaged in packing from The Dalles to Canyon City, in which business he remained for eight or ten years. He then located on Lower Fifteen Mile creek, eight miles from the present site of Dufur, where for twenty years he resided, with occasional visits to other localities. He came to Tygh valley in r886, purchased a farm on the creek, one and one-half miles from Dufur, where he died in 1899. The mother came to Oregon in 1841, accompanied by her father, one of the earliest pioneers of the country. He was in the employment of the Hudson's Bay Company, and stationed at Oregon City. He died and she was adopted by Archie McKinley, another attache of the Hudson's Bay Company, who conducted a store for the company at Champoeg in the vicinity of the present Oregon City. At the age of twenty-two she was married, and at present resides with our subject's brother, Edward, on White river, one and one-half miles from Tygh. Mr. Moad was reared and has lived all his life in Wasco county, attending the public schools in youth, being nine months in Tacoma. On completing his education he was on the ranch with his father, and rode the range. In 1898 he worked through the winter in a blacksmith shop, in Dufur, and during two years was a member of the forest rangers. In the autumn of 1960 Mr. Moad purchased the blacksmith shop of James Gilimore, mention of whom is made elsewhere, and has since conducted the same. Mr. Moad has two brothers and three sisters: Adolphus and Edward, the former of Wapinitia, and the latter residing one mile and a half from Tygh valley, on the White river; Frankie, wife of Mark Painter, residing three miles west of Dufur; Nettie, married to James Easton, four miles from Boyd; and Tillie, wife of Edward Henderson, of Wapinitia. Mr. Moad was married at the residence of the bride, near Dufur, May 5, 1897, to Levie Vanderpool, born near Prineville, Crook county, the daughter of William and Susan (Heisler) Vanderpool, both of which families are mentioned in another portion of this work. Fraternally, our subject is a member of Ridgely Lodge, No. 71, I.O.O.F., the Rebekahs, of which Mrs. Moad is also a member; and the M.W. of A., of Tygh, of which organization he is banker. He is a Republican. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in January 2005 by Jeffrey L. Elmer. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.