Gaston, Joseph. "The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811-1912." Vol. 3. Chicago, Clarke Publishing Co., 1912. p. 864. ALOIS GASSNER, JR., who since June, 1909 has been successfully engaged in business as a merchant of Reedville, now conducts his establishment in partnership with a brother, X.A. Gassner. His birth occurred in Portland, on the 11th of January, 1877, his parents being Alois and Justina (Lampert) Gassner, both of whom are natives of Austria. In 1873, they crossed the Atlantic to the United States, settling in Illinois, where they remained for one year. On the expiration of that period they made their way to Portland, Oregon, there continuing to reside until 1885, which year witnessed their arrival in Washington county. >From that time to the present, covering more than a quarter of a century, they have made their home near Beaverton, being numbered among the substantial and esteemed residents of the community. Their children are five in number, namely: X.A., who conducts a general mercantile establishment at Reedville in partnership with his brother Alois; Alois, Jr. of this review; Carolina, the wife of William Taylor, of Washington county, Oregon; Julius who is still under the parental roof; and Justina who is the wife of Ernest Livermore, and resides near Beaverton, Oregon. Alois Gassner, Jr., was a young man of twenty-three years when he established a home of his own and embarked in business as a dairyman of Washington county, conducting an enterprise of that character for five years. At the end of that time he sold out and went to Seaside, Oregon, where he made his home for one year. Subsequently he returned to Washington county and in June, 1909, became associated with his brother-in-law in the conduct of a mercantile store at Reedville. Eight months later the latter disposed of his interest to X.A. Gassner, a brother of our subject, who was since remained an active partner in the business. The two brothers have built up an extensive stock of goods at reasonable prices and putting forth earnest effort to please their patrons. Alois Gassner owns an interest in the store property and also has a fine residence in Reedville. His property holdings likewise include a tract comprising three-fourths of an acre on East Fortieth street within the corporation limits of Portland, section 12, on the Clinton Kelly donation land claim. He carries a policy amounting to two thousand dollars in the Kansas City Life Insurance Company. On the 17th of October, 1900, Mr. Gassner was united in marriage to Miss Dora Miller, who was born in Newton, North Carolina, in September, 1882, her parents being George W. and Alice (Smith) Miller, natives of that state. In 1892 they left North Carolina and came to Oregon, settling at Hillsboro, where they remained until 1898. In that year Mr. Miller purchased a farm on what is known as Cooper Mountain, whereon he has resided to the present time. To him and his wife have been born nine children, as follows: Mrs. Gassner; Mrs. Emma Taylor of Lents, Oregon; Mrs. Laura Dye, whose husband is a printer of Portland; Mrs. Mary Ulrich, living in Hillsboro, Oregon; George E., who is a resident of Washington county; and Thomas Edward, Wesley and Alice, all at home. Mr. and Mrs. Gassner have had three children, namely: Hilda M., who natal day was December 28, 1901; Leola L., who died at the age of two years; and Ethel J., whose birth occurred on the 28th of February, 1907. In his political views Mr. Gassner is a republican, but not strictly partisan, casting his ballot for the men and measures that he believes will best conserve the general welfare. Fraternally he is identified with the Catholic Order of Foresters and also the Modern Woodmen of America, belonging to Silverleaf Camp, No. 8193, at Reedville. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Roman Catholic church, of which his wife is also a communicant. He has always remained within the borders of his native state and in business circles has won a gratifying measure of prosperity. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in January 2006 by Mark DiVecchio, For more information visit web site at: