An Illustrated History of Central Oregon, Western Historical Publishing Company, Spokane, WA. 1905, pages 230-231 ARTHUR M. HARRIMAN, a prosperous and well to do agriculturist of Wasco county, resides on the Steel road about seven miles east from The Dalles. He was born in England, on May 17, 1857, the son of John and Elizabeth (Hanford) Harriman, both natives of England. The father died there in 1867 and the mother died at The Dalles in 1889. They had followed farming. After spending the first eighteen years of his life in his native country acquiring an education, Mr. Harriman came to the United States in 1875, making the first settlement in Missouri where he bought a farm and there remained until he came to Wasco county in 1898. Here he purchased the farm where he now resides, a very valuable property, well improved and consisting of three hundred and eighty-six acres. In addition to this, Mr. Harriman owns one hundred and sixty acres taken as a homestead in the timber near by. He is a very thrifty and enterprising farmer and has received due reward for his industry in bounteous returns in harvests each year from his estate. At Green Ridge, Missouri, on March 3, 1880, Mr. Harriman married Miss Helen Morris, a native of Missouri. Her father, Chastine L. Morris, was born in Tennessee and came from old and prominent colonial families. He married Jane Summers, a native of Virginia, whose ancestors were prominent in colonial affairs from their first settlement in the New World. On June 2, 1890, Mrs. Harriman died at Green Ridge, Missouri, leaving two children. In November, 1891, at Nevada, Missouri, Mr. Harriman married Miss Emma Fuller, who was born at that place. Her parents were Sylvester and Frances (Caton) Fuller, natives of West Virginia and Missouri, respectively. The father's parents were born in Ohio and came from old American families. He died in Missouri, on February 21, 1895. The mother's parents were pioneers to Missouri from Tennessee and in the early days, the father was a pioneer to Oregon but he afterward returned to Missouri and died near Nevada in that state in 1874. Mrs. Harriman has two full brothers, Chester and George, one half brother, Hutler, one sister, Mrs. Ella Craig, and one half sister, Mrs. Cornelia Current. Mr. Harriman has three brothers, John, William J., and Edward M. Mr. Harriman has the following named children: Constance, wife of Oscar Johnson, in business in The Dalles; Arthur. These two children were by his first wife. To the second marriage, five children have been born, Homer, Herbert, Lovena, Glenda, and Rosie. Mr. Harriman is a member of the M.W.A., a stanch Democrat and a zealous laborer for good schools, roads and government. He and his wife belong to the Methodist denomination. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in January 2005 by Jeffrey L. Elmer. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.