An Illustrated History of Central Oregon, Western Historical Publishing Company, Spokane, WA. 1905, page 354. ALFRED TRUDELL, of the firm of Truedell & Deni, is a man of good standing in Wasco county, where he has labored for nearly twenty years in the related occupations of farming and stock raising. He is a man of ability in these lines, having gained a good success in his labors, and having, also, discharged the responsibilities of a patriotic citizen and a leading man in the community. In partnership with Mr. Deni, Mr. Trudell owns seventeen hundred and ninety-five acres of land about six miles east from Kingsley. It was secured through the homestead right and by purchase from the railroad and is one of the large estates of the county. It is utilized both for pasture and for raising grain. This year, they cut five hundred acres of wheat and the same made a handsome return. The farm is supplied with all the improvements needed and is one which shows skill and thrift in the management. In addition to what is mentioned, Mr. Trudell handles a large number of cattle each year, wintering usually about eighty to one hundred head. They buy and sell stock and always have fat cattle on hand for the markets. In the matters of the county and state, Mr. Trudell takes a lively interest and is always on the side of the Democratic ticket in national politics, while in other questions, he decides according to the merits of the question and the standing of the candidate, as he deems best for the interests of all. In school matters, he takes a keen interest and has given of his time to serve as director. Mr. Trudell is still in single blessedness and takes great pleasure in the freedom and quietness of the bachelor's life. Alfred Trudell was born in Ontario, Canada, on August 17, 1867, near Stony Point, His parents are mentioned in the biography of his brother, which is in this volume. He was educated in the famous schools of Ontario and remained at the home place until 1887, in which year he came hither. Since then he has remained here a steady and enterprising young man. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in January 2005 by Jeffrey L. Elmer. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.