Shaver, F. A., Arthur P. Rose, R. F. Steele, and A. E. Adams, compilers. "An Illustrated History of Central Oregon." ("Embracing Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, Crook, Lake, & Klamath Counties") Spokane, WA: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1905. p. 890. C. OSCAR METZKER is the editor and publisher of the Lake County Examiner, published in Lakeview, which is the leading newspaper in that section of the state of Oregon. He is also engaged in a prosperous real estate business in connection with the management of his newspaper. Mr. Metzker received his first experience in the newspaper business in 1894, when he became connected with the Examiner as a printer. He worked in this capacity until February, 1901, when he went to Paisley, Oregon, and established the Chewaucan Post, which publication he managed successfully for three years, when he sold out and in March, 1904, he purchased the Examiner. This paper was founded in 1880, and for a number of years thereafter was the only paper in Lake county. It always has been one of the most influential newspapers in Southern Oregon. Mr. Metzker was born January 19, 1869, in Yamhill county, Oregon, and was reared to the age of twenty years on a stock ranch. He received a good common school education in the states of Oregon and California, which, together with the self-education which he has acquired, has amply qualified him for his chosen field of labor. The father of the subject of our sketch, William Metzker, crossed the plains from Iowa in 1852, and settled near Portland. His father, John Metzker, was captain, of the train of ox teams by which means the journey across the plains was made. He is now living in Portland at the age of eighty-six. William Metzker came to Goose Lake valley in 1869, removing to that section with his family one year later. He engaged in the stock business here and continued thus engaged until recently, when he removed to Modoc county, California, where he now lives. Our subject's mother, Tacy S. (Reese) Metzker, died in 1896. Mr. Metzker was married November 19, I901,to Renna V. Kearney. In fraternity circles Mr. Metzker is identified with the Odd Fellows and A. 0. U. W. societies. Of the former he is a member and past grand of Lakeview lodge No. 63. and is a past chief patriarch of Lakeview encampment No. 18. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in March 2011 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.