Shaver, F. A., Arthur P. Rose, R. F. Steele, and A. E. Adams, compilers. "An Illustrated History of Central Oregon." ("Embracing Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, Crook, Lake, & Klamath Counties") Spokane, WA: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1905. p. 753. CHARLES T. LILLARD an enterprising farmer and stockman of Crook county, resides about twenty miles south from Paulina on the south fork of Twelve Mile creek, where he does a fine business and has a well improved place. He was born in Santa Clara county, California, on April 11, 1865. being the son of David B. and Hetty (Allen) Lillard, natives of Kentucky and Missouri respectively. The mother died when our subject was a child. The father was born on May 13, 1827, and when six years of age moved to Missouri with his parents where he was reared and educated. In 1846 he enlisted in the Mexican war and spent two years under arms. After that he returned to Missouri, married and in 1853, crossed the plains with ox teams to California. He started to ranching there, continued in that business ever since and is living now on the same place. He has always taken a prominent part in public affairs and was a sturdy pioneer both of Missouri and California. Charles T. was educated in the schools of his native country and when grown to young manhood engaged with Miller and Lux, very large stockmen of that section, where he wrought for a number of years. In 1887 he came to Harney county, Oregon, and spent one winter. The next spring he journeyed on to Crook county and finally selected his present place, taking it through government right. He has bought other land since and has a good farm, well laid out and improved. Mr. Lillard immediately engaged in stock raising and he has continued in that business very successfully since. He handles cattle, horses and mules. His horses and mules are all first-class draft animals and he does a fine business in this line. When Mr. Lillard started out in life he had no capital of his own and all he gained was by his own individual labor. Owing to his thrift and sagacity he has accumulated a fine property. His ranch is a large and valuable one. His stock is first-class and he has lots of it. Also he owns other property. He is one of the representative and substantial men of Crook county and has a splendid standing among his fellows men. In 1894 Mr. Lillard married Miss Grace S., the daughter of A. O. and Mary A. (Calvert) Bedell, natives of Missouri. They crossed the plains in early days to Montana and were pioneers in the west. Mrs. Lillard's parents both came from prominent and well to do familes and were leading people. Mrs. Lillard was born in Montana, and when still a child was brought to Oregon by her parents. To Mr. and Mrs. Lillard two children have been born, Joe Alvin and Dorothy. Mr. Lillard is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the A. F. & A. M., while his wife belongs to the Eastern Star. He is a man who takes a lively interest in political matters and in educational affairs and in addition labors for the upbuilding and improvement of this country. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in October 2011 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.