Shaver, F. A., Arthur P. Rose, R. F. Steele, and A. E. Adams, compilers. "An Illustrated History of Central Oregon." ("Embracing Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, Crook, Lake, & Klamath Counties") Spokane, WA: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1905. p. 554. CHARLES W. MOORE who has been mayor of Grass Valley since its incorporation, is also one of the leading business men in north central Oregon. He is president and general manager of the Citizens' Commercial Company, one of the leading mercantile institutions of this part of the county. Charles W. Moore was born in Indiana, on July 22, 1858, the son of Rufus A. and Sarah J. (Brown) Moore, natives of Londonderry, New Hampshire, and Indiana, respectively. The father's ancestors were an old English family of colonial days and prominent in those times. The mother's parents were also early settlers in the new world. The family left Illinois about 1859 for Kansas and dwelt there six years. Then they journeyed to Idaho, settling on Indian creek, about twenty-four miles from Boise, where they remained two years. Then came a trip to Cherokee, Butte county, California, where they rented until 1882, they then came to Sherman county, Oregon, and our subject, his brother and the father all took government land about five miles north from Grass Valley. The father remained on the farm until his death in 1893. The mother died in August, 1898, at Moro, Oregon. Our subject was educated in the various places where the family lived, completing this important part of life's training in the Pacific Business College at San Francisco. He was with his parents until coming to Oregon when he and his brother, Henry, preceded them to the fertile region now embraced in Sherman county. In 1889 Mr. Moore rented his land and came to Grass Valley, where he engaged in the general merchandise business with Dr. C. R. Rollins. For several years they did business together and then our subject's brother, L. K., bought the doctor's interest. Two years later the brother resold to the doctor again, and later John Karlin bought Dr. Rollin's interest. Five years later Karlin sold his interest the Citizens' Commercial Company, which Mr. Moore and his associates organized. They started with a capital of seventy-five thousand dollars, incorporating under the laws of Oregon. They purchased considerable property and erected a fine, two-story brick building, eighty-eight feet square. They carry a stock of merchandise of fifty thousand dollars or more and they own the most complete mercantile establishment to be found in Oregon. They are the general agents for the John Deering implements, Daniel Best combined harvesters, Moline wagons and carriages, and also handle a full line of agricultural implements besides. They have a large stock of groceries, clothing, boots and shoes, dry goods, hardware, crockery, and so forth. L. R. French is secretary; Samuel H. Baker is treasurer, and as stated before, our subject is president and general manager. On November 21, 1886, at Portland, Oregon, Mr. Moore married Eva L. Rollins, who was born in Minnesota, the daughter of Dr. Charles R. Rollins, who is now retired and dwells in Grass Valley. Mr. Moore has three brothers, Walter H., a real estate man at Moro; Henry A., retired in Portland; and Lawrence K., a real estate man at Moro. Mrs. Moore has three brothers and one sister. To our subject and his wife two children have been born, Mabel and Ray, aged fourteen and twelve, respectively. Fraternally, Mr. Moore is quite prominent, being past grand of the I. O. O. F., past M. W. of the A. O. U. W., past C. P. of the Encampment, and a member of the Foresters. He has several times been delegate of the grand lodge of the Odd Fellows, and he and his wife are members of the degree of honor of the A. O. U. W. Politically, Mr. Moore is a Republican and has frequently been delegate to the county conventions. He is a sterling and progressive business man and one of the leading citizens of Sherman county. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in October 2010 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.