Shaver, F. A., Arthur P. Rose, R. F. Steele, and A. E. Adams, compilers. "An Illustrated History of Central Oregon." ("Embracing Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, Crook, Lake, & Klamath Counties") Spokane, WA: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1905. p. 684. EDWARD W. TAYLOR resides some ten miles out from Mitchell on Taylor creek. He was born in Iowa, on May 16, 1848, the son of Tarlton and Elizabeth Taylor, natives of Iowa. They grew up and were married in that state and in 1852 crossed the plains to Linn county, Oregon; settling upon a donation claim there they became prominent and wealthy citizens. Our subject was but four years of age when this trip was made, consequently remembers but little of it. He received his education in Linn county and there grew to manhood. He there engaged in farming, continuing the same in that section until 1872. In that year he came to central Oregon, being one of the earliest pioneers in this region. He at once selected government land where he now resides and began raising stock and doing general farming. He has continued in this section uninterruptedly since and is now one of the substantial men of the county. Mr. Taylor owns three hundred and twenty acres of land and handles considerable stock. He has seen the country grow up around him and has done his share well in assisting in building up. On December 3, 1869, Mr. Taylor married Miss Caroline Carroll, whose father, Samuel Carroll, was a pioneer of Oregon. Four children have been born to this union, Margaret F., Eliza A., Ella M., and Caroline A. Mr. Taylor takes an active interest in politics and other matters and has shown himself an enterprising and good man. Mr. Taylor has one brother, Isaac N., dwelling in Douglas county, Washington, and one sister, Mrs. Catherine F. Tripp, in Linn county Oregon. Mrs. Taylor has the following named brothers and sisters: Mrs. Mary Helms, in Prineville, Oregon; Mrs. Nancy Wilson, deceased; Mrs. Sarah E. Marvin, deceased; John W., at Mitchell; Sylvester, Charles, and Samuel S., all in Wheeler county, Oregon; Joseph N., in Baker City, Oregon; and Commodore and Franklin, deceased. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in January 2011 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.