Gaston, Joseph. "The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811-1912." Vol. 3. Chicago, Clarke Publishing Co., 1912. p. 975. FRANK A. BENNETT, who has continuously resided in Baker county for more than four decades, was at one time the most extensive sheep raiser in the county. For the past twelve years he has owned and operated a ranch of three hundred and twenty acres on the Lower Powder river, sixteen miles northeast of Baker City. His birth occurred near Salem, Oregon, on the 2d of June, 1858, his parents being James and Mary Jane (Dill) Bennett, who were natives of Iowa and Indiana respectively. James Bennett and Mary Jane Dill crossed the plains as members of the same company, the latter being accompanied by her parents. They were married near Salem, Oregon, and subsequently removed to Walla Walla county, Washington, Mr. Bennett devoting his attention to general agricultural pursuits. Here he met death by accident, being drowned in the Touchet river. His widow then came to La Grande, Oregon, and later to Baker county, where she wedded John Farman, and they are now residing at Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. By her first husband she had two children, namely: Frank A., of this review; and Rosa B., the wife of W. S. Love, of Baker county. Frank A. Bennett came to Baker county with his mother about 1870 and has resided within its borders continuously since. He drove a stagecoach between Baker and Sparta for three or four years and then turned his attention to the sheep business, in which he has remained to the present time. Mr. Bennett and his brother-in-law, W. S. Love, were at on time the most extensive sheep raisers in Baker county, the former having as high as eight thousand sheep. Beginning with three hundred ewes, they raised the largest flock of sheep in the county. For the past twelve years Mr. Bennett has resided on a ranch of three hundred and twenty acres on the Lower Powder river, sixteen miles northeast of Baker City, which he has brought under a high state of cultivation and improvement and on which he carries on general farming. In 1882 Mr. Bennett was united in marriage to Miss Hallie J. Hulick, who was born at Cove, Union county, Oregon, on the 1st of May, 1865, a daughter of Mrs. Margaret Ann (Gobel) Hulick. The parents crossed the plains from Indiana to Oregon, settling in Cove, Union county, where Mr. Hulick passed away. His widow still survives and resides at that place. Unto our subject and his wife were born the following children: Mary Margaret, who is the wife of A. B. Matthews, of Mayfield, Idaho; Claude E., residing on the Lower Powder river in Baker county; George F., a resident of Baker City; Viola, the wife of Claude Turner, of Baker City; Myrton W., at home; Odie, living in Richland, Baker county, this state; and Earl G., also at home. Fraternally Mr. Bennett is identified with the Woodmen of the World at Baker City. He possesses the enterprising spirit of the northwest, which has been a dominant factor in producing the wonderful development of this section of the county, and he has steadily worked his way upward until today he stands among the prosperous and representative citizens of his county. Transcriber's note: Genealogy for above individual is located at: ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in November 2008 by Dale Givens, odg -at- hiwaay dot net.