"Illustrated History of Lane County, Oregon." Portland, Oregon: A. G. Walling, publisher, 1884. pg. 495. G. S. MAXWELL Was born in Madison, Jefferson county, Indiana, June 28, 1834, but resided until 1849, in Peoria, Peoria county, Illinois. In that year in company with his father, he crossed the plains to California and engaged in mining operations, chiefly on Trinity river, until 1853, when he revisited the Eastern States. In 1862 he returned to the Pacific coast, came to Lane county, Oregon,settled in Eugene City, worked for three years for Mr. Ward, and finally in partnership with Mr. Osburn, purchased the business, but eighteen months thereafter, acquiring Mr. Osburn's interest, he conducted the concern alone for twenty months. He now sold out and went to California, but three years thereafter returned to the scene of his former labors, and in March 1873, located in Springfield, and opened the place of business which he now conducts. Married Miss Susan Christian of Eugene City and has no family. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in May 2005 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.