Gaston, Joseph. "The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811-1912." Vol. 2. Chicago, Clarke Publishing Co., 1912. p. 2. DR. HERSCHEL EUGENE CURREY is one of the able representative of the medical profession of Baker City, who has acquired much more than a local reputation through his writings and lectures on therapeutical subjects as well as his achievements as a practitioner. He as born at Rono, Indiana, on the 21st of December, 1860, and is a son of Dr. H. M. and Julia (Hatfield) Currey, both of whom are now deceased. When Dr. Currey was still in his early childhood his parents removed to Louisiana, where he acquired the greater part of his preliminary education. For a time he attended the Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, which at that time was a military school. While still in his early youth he was thrown upon his own resources, and as a result endured many hardships and privations in his effort to adequately provide for his physical needs and at the same time acquire the education he longed for. Such ambition and determination of purpose as he possessed is not easily thwarted, however, and despite the many obstacles and hindrances he encountered he was at last able to enter the Kentucky School of Medicine. Upon his graduation from this institution he became associated with an uncle, a well known physician with a large practice, who was growing old and desired to retire. After a few months Dr. Currey felt the limitations of his equipment and desiring a fuller and more comprehensive knowledge of the fundamental principles underlying the science of medicine, he matriculated in an eclectic school, and pursued a full course of study. In 1890 he came to Oregon and opening an office engaged in general practice, but an insatiable thirst for knowledge and his high standards impelled him to spend one-fourth of his time during the succeeding few years in pursuing post-graduate work. Much of his time and attention during that period was devoted to a careful and thorough study of the diseases of women and children, and in 1904 he withdrew from general practice and has ever since made a specialty of the diseases of women. He has been most successful in this connection and through his wide experience and years of private research has discovered a mode of treatment for pelvic disorders of women that has made his name known in households throughout the United States, and “Alorine” is becoming recognized by both the profession and the laity as one of the most efficacious remedies now on the market for diseases of this nature. Dr. Currey is a great student and keeps in close touch with the progress of his profession through the medium of the various medical works and journals, and is a contributor to several of the later. His capabilities have received recognition throughout the west and middle west, and he has frequently been asked to appear before various associations of his profession, where he has delivered some very entertaining and instructive lectures founded upon his personal experiences and observations. His paper on “Modern Medical Science,” delivered before the National Eclectic Medical Association at Portland, Oregon, in June, 1896, was most ably prepared and brought him special commendation. Dr. Currey has been officially connected with a number of well known associations of his profession. He was president of the Oregon State Eclectic Medical association and in 1895-6 served as second vice president of the National Eclectic Medical Association, while he is an honorary member of the San Francisco City and County, and the California State Eclectic Medical Societies. He was assistant superintendent of the Maclean Hospital and Sanitarium of San Francisco, California in 1896 and 1897, and in 1901 he was elected a member of the state board of medical examiners of Oregon, retaining this position for five years. During the early years of his practice, he was appointed United States pension surgeon, serving in this capacity from 1886 to 1888. When a youth of about sixteen years he was visiting an uncle at Carmi, Illinois, and believing that the sandy soil of that portion of the country was well adapted to the growing of peanuts he planted about six acres. His experiment proved successful, and this has since become one of the chief industries of that section of the state. Dr. Currey is a man of extensive information and is well equipped for the duties of his profession. He is broad-minded and progressive in his ideas, and has endeavored to adapt to his needs and requirements the best that is offered by the various schools of medicine. In 1897 he was awarded the degree of Master of Surgery by the California Medical College and in 1905 he pursued a course in the Illinois School of Therapeutics. He is highly esteemed both professionally and socially in Baker City, among whose citizens he numbers many stanch friends. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in July 2015 by Dale Givens. Dale has more information on the Currey family, posted online at: