Hines, H. K. "An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon." Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. 1893. p. 270. I. A. MACRUM Came to the State of Oregon in 1870, and as an educator, lawyer and financier has been an active participant in the development of the State. He was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1842. His parents were Scotch-English, and emigrated from the north of Ireland in 1830, and coming to America, settled near Pittsburg and engaged in farming. This was continued until the death of Mr. Macrum in 1882, his wife following him in 1885. I. A. Macrum received a thorough education, academic, first at the Leechburg Institute and then at the State normal school, presided over by Prof. Wickersham, a noted educator of Pennsylvania. Completing his studies Mr. Macrum then began teaching in Pittsburg as principal of the second ward school, and after three years he secured an interest and taught in the Newell Institute, a private school for fitting young men for college and also for graduating the women in classic music and languages. The school numbered 125 pupils, and eleven teachers were constantly employed. In 1870 Mr. Macrum emigrated to Oregon City, where for three years he was principal of the Oregon City Seminary. During this time he read law under the direction of Johnson & McCown, and in December, 1874, he was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of the State. The law firm of Johnson, McCown & Macrum was then organized, the latter removing to Portland to open a branch office, which was continued with marked success for eight years, when the firm was dissolved. With the organization of the Willamette Saving Bank in 1883, Mr. Macrum was chosen cashier and manager. The business of the bank grew so rapidly that in 1886 it was converted into the Merchant's National Bank, Mr. Macrum continuing as cashier. In October, 1890, the capital stock was increased from $100,000 to $1,000,000, and is now considered among one of the most solid financial institutions of the city. Mr. Macrum was married in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, to Miss Westanna Grubbs, a native of Allegany City. They have had six children, viz.: Charles A., practicing physician of Portland; Margaret J., now Mrs. Dr. W. H. Byrd, of Salem; Newell, Will S., John W. and Garfield. The family reside near Forest Grove, where, surrounded by spacious grounds, Mr. Macrum has built a large and handsome residence, preferring the country for home life, after the cares and anxieties of the busy days in the city. He is a Republican in politics, but not active except in sustaining honest elections. He has always been interested in educational work and the establishment of good schools. From 1876 to 1880 he served as County Superintendent of schools for Multnomah county. In financial affairs Mr. Macrum has proven himself a man of ability and sterling integrity, and has won the confidence of the business men of his section. Transcriber's additional notes: 1900 - June 19; Washington Co, OR; South Forest Grove Pct, page 270 dwelling #284, family #303 Isaac Allen Macrum, head, 59, April 1841, PA, PA, PA, mar 39yrs, attorney at law Westanna, wife, 56, Dec 1843, PA, PA, PA, mar 39yrs, 6 children-6 living John W, son, 26, July 1873, OR, PA, PA, civil engineer, single Garfield H., son 18, June 1881, OR, PA, PA, att. school, single Margaret Grubbs, m in l, 82, Jan 1818, PA, IRE, IRE, Wd Mary Ferndrup, servant, 40, May 1860, Den, Den, Den, Wd Faith Ferndrup, boarder, 13, May 1887, OR, Den, Den, att. school George Mayers, servant, 22, Sept 1877, OR, GER, GER, single family #304 James Macrum, head, 31, Feb 1869, PA, PA, PA, Div, bookkeeper Clyde, son, 5, Dec 1894, OR, PA, OR 1910 - April 23; Multnomah Co, OR; Portland Pct 53, Wd 8, page 161, 185 E 13th Westana Macrum, head, 66, PA, PA, PA, Wd, 6 children-6 living, no occ. Newell, son, 42, PA, PA, PA, Div, salesman, department store H. A., son, 38, PA, PA, PA, single, civil engineer Clyde, gr son, 14, OR, PA, OR, att. school ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in October 2005 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.