Lockley, Fred. "History of the Columbia River Valley, From The Dalles to the Sea." Vol. 2. S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1928. p. 479. JOHN R. OATMAN In the legal profession John R. Oatman has found a field well suited to his talents and for many years he has been classed with Portland's prominent and successful attorneys. He was born in this city in 1869 and represents one of its old and highly respected families. His parents, Harrison B. and Lucena K. (Ross) Oatman, left Illinois in 1853 and made the long and dangerous journey across the plains and over the mountains, casting in their lot with the early settlers of Jackson county, Oregon. There the father followed the occupation of mining and afterward was a first lieutenant in Company I of the First Oregon Infantry. He spent several years at Fort Klamath and in I866 came to Portland. For a considerable period he was a member of the firm of De Lashmutt & Oatman, the owners of a private bank, which was at first located at the intersection of Washington and First streets, and later the business was conducted at the corner of First and Stark streets. Subsequently they opened a real estate office and Mr. Oatman continued in that line of business during the remainder of his life. He was a man of enterprise and ability, scrupulously honest in all of his dealings, and success rewarded his well directed efforts. In 1893 he was called to his final rest and the mother passed away about the year 1897. In the acquirement of an education John R. Oatman attended the public schools of Portland and later matriculated in the University of Oregon, from which he was graduated in 1895 with the degree of LL, B. Since his admission to the bar Mr. Oatman has practiced in Portland, specializing in land titles and probate work, and maintains an office on the seventh floor of the Couch building. In 1897 Mr. Oatman was united in marriage to Miss Mame T. Meller, of Portland, and both are prominent in the social life of the city. Mr. Oatman is a member of the Auld Lang Syne Society and the Portland and the State Bar Associations. His political support is given to the republican party and his interest in Portland's welfare and progress is deep and sincere. By nature he is genial and companionable and his worth is indicated by the place which he holds in the esteem of his fellow citizens, among whom his life has keen passed. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in April 2009 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.