An Illustrated History of Central Oregon, Western Historical Publishing Company, Spokane, WA. 1905, pages 376. LUCERN B. KELLY. On December 28, 1865, it was announced to Hampton and Margaret (Fitch) Kelly that a son was born to them, and that individual is the gentleman whose name is at the head of this sketch. Multnomah county was the native place of Lucern B. and his education was received from the schools of Portland, the Clinton Kelly school, which was situated on his grandfather's donation claim, being the place where the major portion of the training was received. After he had arrived at man's estate, Mr. Kelly came east of the mountains with his father and took land, a homestead, a timber culture claim and later bought railroad land until he owns at this writing sixteen hundred acres of good soil. It is located on Juniper flat, and is utilized both for grain raising and for handling stock. Mr. Kelly is a man of enterprise and intelligence and has made a first class success in his labors. He stands well in the community and is a respected citizen. In stock raising Mr. Kelly has been prosperous and each year he turns off lots of hogs, Poland China, and also winters many cattle. This year he had about one hundred and twenty-five, and among them are three registered Hereford bulls, all excellent animals. He also owns a fine Percheron stallion, a beauty, one of the finest horses in the county. He has a band of horses, grades, and all his stock is of the best. Mr. Kelly cultivates about two hundred acres of land each year, and has good returns from the same. On December 28, 1893, Mr. Kelly married Miss Zilpha Snodgrass, a native of Wasco, Oregon. To this marriage one son, Floyd, aged ten, has been born. Mrs. Kelly's parents, Joseph P. and Arvesta A. (Stearns) Snodgrass, crossed the plains with ox teams and now dwell on Juniper flat four miles distant from her home. She has the following named brothers and sisters Merton J., Elmer, Clyde, Ralph, Fay, Tina, and Lena. Mr. Kelly has three brothers and one sister, Plympton J., Linus, Lester and Mrs. Helen Man-ley. In politics, Mr. Kelly is Republican and always active. He has held various offices and is frequently at the conventions. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in January 2005 by Jeffrey L. Elmer. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.