Lang, H. O., ed. "The History of the Willamette Valley, Being A Description of the Valley and its Resources, with an account of its Discovery and Settlement by White Men, and its Subsequent History; Together with Personal Reminiscences of its Early Pioneers." Portland, OR, Geo. H. Himes, Book and Job Printer, 1885. p. 643. ROBERT PENTLAND Born in New castle, England, in 1820; came to the United States in 1844 and joined the Oregon immigration of the succeeding year. Arriving on the Willamette, he took charge of a grist mill at Oregon City belonging to George Abernethy, and continued therewith until 1849, when he paid a visit to California. Settled next on a donation claim near Albany, and engaged in flour milling and merchandising at that place. In 1855 he became a partner with Abernethy and Leander Holmes in the purchase of the Linn City property at the Willamette Falls. They erected the largest flouring mill in Oregon; at the same time Mr. Pentland owned an interest in the Portland water works with Stephen Coffin. In 1860 the Linn City improvements were destroyed by fire, and as soon as the transportation works were renewed by Mr. Pentland in company with Colonel Kelly, the great flood of 1861-62 washed all away. Mr. Pentland then removed to The Dalles and engaged in business for fifteen years, building, among other structures, two flouring mills. In 1878 he purchased the flouring mill at Scio, Linn County, and now runs it besides a sash and door and furniture factory. Married Miss Jane Law at Newcastle, England, in 1841. She died in 1875, and the next year he wedded Mrs. Eliza E. Reynolds, a native of Maine. Has two children living -- Mrs. S. L. Brooks, of The Dalles, and E. C. Pentland, of Alkali, Wasco County. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in June 2005 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.