Clark, Robert Carlton, Ph.D. "History of the Willamette Valley Oregon." Vol. 3. Chicago: Chapman Publishing Company, 1927. p. 230. SALATHIEL T. NORTHCUTT One of the finest characters in the history of Marion county was the late Salathiel T. Northcutt, whose death, on September 21, 1926, was regarded as a distinct loss to the community. A man of courageous spirit and marked initiative ability, he accomplished much during his active years and was regarded as one of the progressive and enterprising men of his locality, for while carrying on his individual affairs in such a manner as to gain a comfortable competency for himself, he also belonged to that class of representative citizens who promote the public welfare while advancing individual success. Mr. Northcutt was a native of the state of Ohio, where his birth occurred on the 10th of May, 1837, and was of English ancestry. He secured his education in the public schools of the east and in 1852, his father having died, he and his mother crossed the plains to Oregon, traveling with ox team and covered wagon, Mr. Northcutt driving a band of cattle. They spent their first winter in northern California and then went on to Oregon in the spring. During the several ensuing years he worked in the gold mines of southern Oregon, in which he met with success. About 1864 he bought a ranch in Marion county, ten miles north of Salem, which he operated in partnership with his brothers, Shedd and William. They prospered in this undertaking and ten years later divided the property, each share being valued at about fifty thousand dollars. S. T. Northcutt lived on that ranch until after the death of his wife, in 1889, when he sold the property and bought a business block in Salem, after which he again turned his attention to mining, going into the Cascade mountains. He followed that business until 1905, when he bought a ranch in Lane county, which he sold two years later. In 1907 Mr. Northcutt purchased five hundred and twenty-five acres of land, one mile north of Marion, which he farmed for a few years and then sold and moved to Turner. He took the ranch back a few years later, however, and lived there the remainder of his life, his death occurring in the eighty-ninth year of his age. Through the long period of his identification with this locality he was true and loyal in every relation of life and his reputation in a business way was unassailable. There were in him sterling traits which commanded uniform confidence and regard, and he died beloved by those near to him and respected and esteemed by his fellow citizens. In 1872 Mr. Northcutt was united in marriage to Miss Amelia Skeen, a native of Arkansas, who crossed the plains in 1852, and who died January 29, 1889. To them were born three children, William Roy and Nellie M., deceased, and Eva May, who became the wife of Orrin Palmerton. Mr. Northcutt was a member of Pearl Lodge, A. F. & A. M., at Turner, Oregon. Eva May Northcutt was born in Salem, Oregon, and acquired her education in the public schools of Portland. On June 21, 1903, she became the wife of Orrin Palmerton, who was born in Oregon, and they had two children: Mizpah, who was born in Yakima county, Washington, graduated from the Salem high school and is now employed in the state house at Salem; Sampson O., who was born in Portland, Oregon, September 9, 1906, graduated from the high school at Salem and is now assisting his mother in the operation of the home farm, which she inherited on the death of her father. He is a member of the Order of DeMolay at Salem. Their place is well improved and the attractive home, substantial barn and silo and other farm buildings combine to make this one of the best farmsteads in this section of the county. Mrs. Palmerton is a member of the Order of the Eastern Star at Turner, being a past worthy matron of her chapter. She is a lady of gracious qualities and cordial manner and is held in high regard throughout the community. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in June 2016 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.