Gaston, Joseph. "The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811-1912." Vol. 4. Chicago, Clarke Publishing Co., 1912. p. 990. WILLIAM RICHARD McKAY One of the most prominent and successful farmers of Marion county is William Richard McKay, who resides four and one-half miles northeast of St. Paul, Oregon. Born in 1849, a native of Marion county, he is a son of James and Cecilia (Lawson) McKay, the father a native of Ireland and the mother of Scotland. The parents were married in Scotland and on coming to America they settled in Illinois, but in 1847 they removed to Oregon, locating near St. Paul. The father then went to California, where he accumulated a fortune in gold mining, making as much as three hundred dollars per day when he had to retire on account of ill health. He then returned to his family in Oregon, settling on a donation claim, and bought the Old Mission saw and grist mill, which he operated for thirty-five years. At the time of his death he owned property in a great many of the cities of Oregon. His estate was valued at over twenty-five thousand dollars but was really worth much more. Fifteen years before his death he moved to Portland, where he passed away at the advanced age of eighty years. In his family were eight children: James and William, who died while crossing the plains; William Richard, of this review; Mary, who lives in Portland; John, of St. Paul, Oregon; Kate, who is the wife of John McCormick, of Woodburn; James, deceased; and Cecilia, who is the wife of John Kirk, of St. Paul. William R. McKay started out in life of his own accord at the age of twenty-one. He went to California and worked for several years on the Glen ranch and then, returning home he helped to manage his father's estate. In 1885 he moved to the farm where he now lives and where he has one of the finest homes in this locality. His residence is a large, two-story house, beautifully surrounded by shade trees and situated on a tract of eight hundred acres, five hundred of which are under cultivation. He is engaged in raising wheat, oats and hops. He also raises live stock, including horses, Jersey cows, Poland China hogs, sheep and Angora goats. In 1885, at St. Louis, Oregon, Mr. McKay was united in marriage to Miss Anna Kavanaugh, a daughter of Daniel and Catharine (Doyle) Kavanaugh. She was born in 1861 and was the second in order of birth in a family of eight children. The others are: Andrew L., of Portland; Sarah, the wife of Elmer Savage, of Salem, Oregon; Edward, of Gervais; Mattie, the wife of A. L. Clarke, of Portland; John P., of Portland, who is judge of the third district court; Henry J., a physician in Albany, Oregon; and Mary, who lives with her mother in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. McKay have become the parents of five children. Stanley J., born in 1886, lives in Portland and is connected with a paving company on street work. He has a college education. Arthur W., born in 1888, is married and has one child. He lives on his farm near St. Paul and is also a college graduate. Stella is a sister in a convent in Oswego, Oregon. Justin L. lives at home with his parents and has a college education. Albert is now in college in Portland. In politics Mr. McKay is a stanch republican, believing the principles of this party to be most conducive to good government, and in religion he strictly adheres to the Roman Catholic faith. He has always taken an active interest in educational matters and has given must help toward that end in his community. He is a strong advocate of good roads. He is widely known as a public-spirited man, who has the welfare of the community at heart and may well be called one of the most prominent citizens of his county. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in February 2007 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.