Carey, Charles Henry. "History of Oregon." Vol. 3. Chicago-Portland: Pioneer Historical Pub. Co., 1922. p. 45. WESLEY WOODSON BOSCOW A native son of Oregon who has materially aided in the up-building of his state and county is W. W. Boscow, who was born in Washington county, in 1866. His paternal ancestors were natives of the Isle of Man and were prominent in the shipping business. Emigrating to America in 1845 his grandfather purchased a farm in Illinois where Peter Boscow was born. The latter married Rebecca Cray, a daughter of an old family of Ohio pioneers, and removed to Oregon, settling upon a farm near North Plains in Washington county, where their son Wesley Woodson Boscow was born. For forty years Peter Boscow, now retired, has been school clerk of this township and has held many other offices. Wesley W. Boscow was educated in the grade schools of Washington county and assisted his father on the farm during most of his boyhood. He inherited a sturdy constitution and a stout heart and in 1898, braving the rigors of the far north, he set out to seek his fortune in Alaska. As a clerk in a Skagway store and later in the post office at Nome he remained in Alaska until 1901. Upon his return to Oregon he was connected with a general merchandise business until 1912 when he established his present enterprise. His store, the only clothing establishment in Hillsboro, is situated on Main street in the best business section of the town. He occupies an area twenty-four by one hundred feet on two floors and carries a full assortment of men's and boys' clothing, shoes and furnishings. The men of Washington county assuredly have no reason to go to Portland for wearing apparel, since Mr. Boscow's stock is at all times complete and up-to-date. In addition to his clothing establishment Mr. Boscow owns thirty acres of valuable land within the limits of Hillsboro. Mr. Boscow married Mercedes Wilson, a daughter of W. B. Wilson, a pioneer farmer of Washington county. Like her husband she is justly proud of being a native of Oregon. Before her marriage she was a teacher in the schools of Washington county. She is an active church worker and has a host of friends. There are no children. Mr. Boscow has no fraternal affiliations. His political achievements have been limited to membership in the Hillsboro city council for three years. In a business way he is a member of the Hillsboro Commercial Club and has served on its board of directors. He is also a member of the Oregon Merchants' Association and has proved himself in every respect one of the potent upbuilders of the state of his birth. ******************* Submitted to the Oregon Bios. Project in May 2006 by Diana Smith. Submitter has no additional information about the person(s) or family mentioned above.