Rev. H.K. HINES, D.D. "An Illustrated History of the State of Washington." 1893. I. N. E. RAYBURN I.N.E. RAYBURN, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Columbia county, is one of the substantial and thrifty farmers in Eastern Washington. He was born in Decatur county, Indiana, June 4, 1832, and reared in his native State until eighteen years of age. His father, William RAYBURN, a native of Kentucky, settled in Indiana early in the '20s, and subsequently removed to Davis county, Iowa, about 1851. The mother of our subject, nee Esther PHILLIPS, was born in South Carolina, moved to Kentucky and thence to Indiana, and thence to Iowa in 1850, and finally to Walla Walla county, Washington, in 1865. Both she and her husband are now deceased. The subject of this sketch, the twelfth in order of birth in a family of seventeen children, was brought up to farm life and has always been engaged in agricultural pursuits. After a residence of some four years in Walla Walla county, he located at his present place, near Waitsburg, which now comprises 440 acres of beautiful farm land--forty acres in timber and 380 in cultivation, and devoted to some extent to stock-raising. With reference to the great public questions of the day, Mr. RAYBURN is a zealous Democrat. He was elected County Commissioner in 1890, and re-elected in 1892. He represented his party at their first county convention, and has ever since been a delegate to nearly all their county conventions. For several years he was Director of School District No. 30. He has also been Road Supervisor for five years. He affiliates with the I.O.O.F. and A.O.U.W., both at Waitsburg. September 11, 1852, in the State of Missouri,he was joined in marriage with Miss Sarah M. TULL, of Madison, Indiana, and they have three children, all married. Their names are Hamlin R., Isadora (now Mrs. Lafayette COX, of Dayton) and Isaac N. Submitted by: Holly Vonderohe, (