Hunt, Herbert and Floyd C. Kaylor. Washington: West of the Cascades. Vol. I. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1917. p. 499-500. (Note: this biography was taken from the memoirs of William West, written about 1913, before his death). JUDGE O. B. MCFADDEN: "The Chehalis district was then known as Saunders' bottom, where the Saunders family held a donation land claim, and Judge O. B. McFadden owned some 800 or 900 acres of land in the valley, but his judicial work kept him in Olympia the greater part of his time, where he died about 1875 or 1876. Judge McFadden was sent out to this territory in 1853 by James Buchanan, then secretary of State and later president, to fill the position of justice of the supreme court, and in 1858 was appointed chief justice, and served in that capacity until 1861, when, owning to the change of national administration, a successor was appointed. He then practiced law until 1872, when he was elected territorial delegate to Congress and spent most of the next two years in Washington City. During his residence in this territory he was the active leader of the democratic party, was energetic and influential in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the territory, and in 1863 raised by subscription in the City of Olympia $1,000 for the improvement of the road through Saunder's bottom, which was highly necessary, as nearly all of the produce of Lewis County had to be hauled that way. So with the money a new and shorter road was cut out through the forest and most of it was corduroyed and places were made passable where previously the wagons would sink to the axles in the mud. So our present road builders can see that good roads was an important question more than fifty years ago. "The judge was a man of many parts, an able lawyer and jurist, a good farmer, resourceful pioneer, genial in society, and a born leader. His country residence is yet standing in the southern part of the City of Chehalis, and is to the best of my knowledge the oldest inhabited house of this country." [The editors added a note saying this house was owned by D. H. Dowry as of 1917]. McFadden Buchanan = Lewis-WA>Thurston-WA