Column # |
Information |
1 |
Line number |
2 |
House number or farm |
3 |
Number of dwelling in order of visitation |
4 |
Number of family in order of visitation |
5 |
Name (Last name, first name) |
6 |
Relationship to head of household |
7 |
Ownership of home (O=owned; R=rented) |
8 |
If owned, whether free (F) or mortgaged (M) |
9 |
Gender (M=male; F=female) |
10 |
Race (W=white; B=black; I=Indian) |
11 |
Age (on January 1, 1920) |
12 |
Marital status (M=married, S=single, D=divorced, W=widowed) |
13 |
If foreign-born, year of immigration to United States |
14 |
If foreign born, status of naturalization. Na: Naturalized; Pa: applied for citizenship; Al: alien |
15 |
If naturalized, year of naturalization |
16 |
Attended school any time since Sept. 1, 1919? |
17 |
Whether able to read (Generally, this question did not apply to children under the age of 10.) |
18 |
Whether able to write (Generally, this question did not apply to children under the age of 10.) |
19 |
Birthplace of individual. For international locations, an effort was made to be specific. For Canada, (Eng.) and (French) were added to distinguish the two regions. |
20 |
If foreign-born, mother tongue |
21 |
Father's birthplace |
22 |
Father's mother tongue, if foreign-born |
23 |
Mother's birthplace |
24 |
Mother's mother tongue, if foreign-born |
25 |
Able to speak English? |
26 |
Occupation |
27 |
Industry |
28 |
Comments and Annotations - this column is available to anyone who has additional information or corrections to make to the census information. |