Kentucky State Historical Society

VOL 29 April, 1931 No. 87



(Continued from the January Register)

1814-Mr. Clelands attention was seriously and almost exclusively turned to the promotion of peace and harmony in the Church and the promotion of the cause of Religion and virtue according in the year______ on the __________day of ___________a Bible association was formed in the Congregation which has gradually increased in its operations up to the present time distributing at this time from fifty to seventy Bibles including a few Testaments annually_________The Congregation had now increased so much that their attentions were again Turned to the Building of a new and more and convenient house out of substantial Materials; As the old house began to decay and was also very inconvenient for their accommodation as the seats were composed of Benches, and clumsy popular seats moveable at pleasure to any part of the house-The Congregation were according convened at the Meeting house on Christmas day 1815 for the Purpose of taking the matter in consideration- and the following Resolutions were adopted 1815.

At a meeting of Inhabitants of New Providence Congregation capt. Saml. McCoun was called to the chair and the Revd. Thos. Cleland appointed Clerk _______ _______ ______ ________

1st, Resolved, that we deem it highly necessary to attempt the Building of a new house for Public Worship at New Providence instead of Repairing the old one which is now in a state of decay-

2nd, Resolved that the said house be made of Brick provided there can be such a plan laid and sufficient funds raised to accomplish it, otherwise to be a frame with mud walls, weatherboarded painted etc. ____________________

3rd, That Danl. A. Brewer, Clarke McAfee, John Sharpe, James F. Lapsley and Robert McKamy, or any Three of them be a committee to Draft the Plan raise subscription, and Superintend the Building of Sd house on such a plan and in such stile as they may deem most eligible and advisable according to the State of the funds when raised _________________

4th, That the aforesaid Committee obtain if they can an additional portion of ground for the use of Sd house and Congregation _______________________________________

5th, That the aforesaid Committee or a Majority of them dispose of the old house upon the best term they can and appropriate the proceeds arrising therefrom to the building of the one contemplated.
Passed December 25th, 1815         Saml. McCoun, Chr.
by Thomas Cleland, Clk.

1816-According to the above Resolution Subscription papers were past out among the people and a Sufficient Sum was Subscribed during the year 1816 to Justify the Committee in Commencing arrangements for a New house to be built out of Brick and accordingly preparations were made the old house was sold and the Building of the New one let out and James F. Lapsley and Joseph Adams were the undertakers-Brick was Burnt and on the lst day of June, 1817-the foundation corner stone of the present Brick church was laid by Mr. Jos. Adams (who had married a daughter of Robert McAfee one of the original members of the church when first formed) and, was a strenuous Professor in the Associate Church-The wood work so far as covering in and making the doors and windows was undertaken by Mr. Robert and William Smithys-and so far the house was completed-before cold weather and the next summer 1818 Mr. John Jones laid (1818) the floors and the old Seats were moved into it and Mr. Cleland commenced his Ministerial duties in it having in the meantime made use of the frame school house which had been erected several years previous viz-_________________ for the purpose of accommodation the neighborhood with a standing School. 1819 and 1820-The church continued without Plastering or being finished even without a Pulpit until the Spring 1821-on account of the hardness of the times and the scarcity of money, of course it was impossible to raise funds sufficient to complete the house. The Country was immencely in debt and the Price of all produce was lower than ever known in Kentucky, indeed very little of the Products of could ever be sold at any price, these causes seemed to retard business of every description. The Legislature at their Session of 1820 Established the Commonwealth Bank which went into operation in April 1821, At which time it was thought to be a favorable moment for an attempt to complete the church accordingly a meeting of the Congregation was had on Tuesday the 15th May 1821 when the following Resolutions were passed.

New Providence May 15th 1821 Tuesday, _______________

At a meeting of the New Providence Congregation on the 15th day of May 1821-Present the following Persons:

Revd. Thomas Cleland

Danl. A. Brewer, Elder
Lanty Armstrong, Elder John Coovert, Deacon
Clarke McAfee, Elder Peter Vanarsdall, Deacon
John McKamy, Elder

John BlackJohn CurryRobert Smithy
James McAfee, Jr.Isaac SmockJohn Woods
Abraham McMurdyJohn McAfeeCornelius Vanarsdoll, Sr.
John McCoolWilliam SharpeWilliam K. Vanarsdoll
Joseph WoodsSimon M. Vanarsdoll
Lanty HolmanHans McMurdy
William ArmstrongGarret Vandike
John VorisAlexander Armstrong
Robert B. McAfee
John Cardwell, Jr.

Where upon Capt. John Cardwell Jr., was called to the Chair and Robert B. McAfee appointed clerk . ______________ and Mr. Cleland moved that the N. Providence Church be finished by subscription and that the seats be held in common-(This motion was made to try the principle without being voted for or advocated by the mover yeas 1 James McAfee nays 26____________ Mr. Daniel A. Brewer moved that five managers be appointed with authority to contract with some competent workman to finish the church with Pews and Plaster it, and that they be authorized to rate the Pews at Certain prices and that the same be sold to the highest bidder (Reserving a sufficient number for strangers) and that the cost of said work be laid on the Pews, and any surplus arrising from the sale be appropriated to the use of the Congregation to be laid out in additional improvements, yeas 26 nay 1, James McAfee _____________________

Mr. Peter Vanarsdoll moved that the managers aforesaid be authorized to collect by subscription or to borrow a sufficient sum to procure nails or other materials to finish sd church and that the amount thereof with interest (if borrowed) be laid on the Pews ____ adopted unanimously____________ Mr. P. Vanarsdoll moved that the Pews be rated, for the support of the Ministers officiating at New Providence-postponed for further consideration ________ on motion it was resolved that Daniel A. Brewer, Clarke McAfee, Robert McKamy, Peter Vanarsdoll and Robert B. McAfee be appointed Managers to execute the foregoing ResolutionÑ
John Cardwell, Chr.
Test. Robt. B. McAfee, Clk.

In compliance with the above Resolution the Managers immediately contracted with Mr. Cornelius Vanarsdoll Senr., for the sum of two hundred dollars to make the Pews in Sd Church, The pulpit having been previously built by a subscription among the Females of the Congregation, and the work progressed and was by agreement to be completed by the 1st day of October following, and in the meantime the Congregation were again convened on the 25th day of September in order to settle the question as to the final Regulation of the house and the disposition of the Pews-also to form some fundamental articles as a constitution For the Temporal Government of the Church-

Tuesday September 25th, 1821-New Providence. ___________ At a Meeting of the New Providence Congregation on this day-the following persons present____________

Revd.. Thos. ClelandJohn VorisPolly McKamy
Danl. A. BrewerWilliam ArmstrongCharlotte Lapsley
Lanty ArmstrongSimeon CoovertNancy McKamy
Clarke McAfeeSaml. Elliston.Ann McAfee
John McKamy-EldersJohn WilsonRobt. B. McAfee-Clk.
Peter Vanarsdoll-DeaconGarret Vandike
Saml. McCounIsaac Coovert
Lanty HolmanRobt. McKamy
John CardwellJohn McAfee
John BlackDavid McGee
Saml. Grey
John McCoolFemales
Jacob Sharpe
John WoodsMargaret Cleland
Cornelius VanardsdollNancy McAfee
Abraham McMurdy



Major Saml. McCoun was called to the Chair and Robert B. McAfee appointed Clk .________________ and the following articles were adopted.-

Article 1st. There shall annually on the 1st Saturday in November (until altered) elected, five Trustees of the New Providence meeting house, who Shall be vested with full power to levy an annual contribution on the Pews of sd church for the support of a Regular Presbyterian Minister, subject to the Controul of the Congregation at each annual meeting -

2-That the Trustees Elected as aforesaid shall have full power from time to time to Establish such rules and Regulations for the collection of the Levy as to them may seem just.____________

3-That the contribution aforesaid shall be levied upon the advalorem Price of sd Pews to be arranged in classes by the managers.

4th-That the purchasers of the Pews shall be vested with a fee simple Title in the same subject to forfeiture in case of failure in Paying the annual Contribution levied as aforesaid under such rules and Regulations as may be Established by the Trustees.

5th-That sd Trustees shall not have power to Establish any Rules or Regulations which shall forfeit any pew without first giving twelve months notice to the delinquent, his heirs and assigns.

6th-That the Trustees aforesaid shall appoint a clerk who shall keep a True Record of their proceedings and of all the expenditures of money which may come into their hands which shall be annually laid before the congregation at their annual meeting.

7th-That sd Trustees shall remain in office for one year from Election and until others shall be chosen in their places and in case of death resignation or removal, after the annual Election and previous to the next ensuing Election The Trustees remaining shall have power tofill the vacancy.

8th-That all transfers of Pews shall be made upon the Books of the Trustees and Recorded therein, which shall be considered as sufficient to Convey the Title -

9th-That there shall be two hundred and fifty dollars levied for the support of the Revd. Thomas Cleland D. D. for the year 1822 commencing on the 1st day of January next, and such other sum annually thereafter as the Trustees may deem just and right (with the consent of the Congregation) to Levy for the officiating Minister of sd church.

10th-That the Trustees aforesaid shall have full power to manage and controul the General Temporal concerns of sd church and Lot of ground with its appurtenance to procure the title of the sd Lot of ground whereon the meeting house stands, and to superintend and direct any improvements which may be necessary and to have the management of any money which may be raised By the Congregation for the purposes aforesaid, and to Prosecute all and every action which may be necessary for any Trespass or injury done to sd Meeting house or its appurtenances

11th-That all Regular Members of sd Church shall be entitled to vote upon the call of a Minister, or the Election of Trustees and in addition thereto Each Pew held by persons who are not Regular members of sd Church shall be entitled to one vote.-

12th-That no person shall be Elected a Trustee of sd Church who is not Either a Regular Member of sd Church or a Pew Holder.

13th-That the present managers of the New Providence Meeting house act as Trustees of the same until the annual Election in November 1822 - Adopted Unanimously, Saml. McCoun, Chr., Test. Robt. B. McAfee.

1821-The Trustees Elected under the above rules and Regulations held their First Meeting in the Church on the 9th day of October, following in order to arrange the Pews into classes and fix the prices and rates To be levied on each, They found great difficulty in the discharge of this duty notwithstanding the Congregation had decided unanimously as to every article of the Regulation except one-yet a considerable degree of prejudice existed in the minds of other denominations as to selling the Pews and the annual Contribution to be levied on them and much Misrepresentation was made to foment the prejudices of such as made no profession of Religion however the Trustees persevered and at this meeting the time of Sale was appointed and the classing matter discussed and partially settled but as the plan was altered at the next meeting I only insert what was permanently settled at this meeting - as follows viz -

At a Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the New Providence Church on Tuesday October 9th 1821 Present. __________
Danl. A. Brewer
Robert B. McAfeeTrustees.
Clarke McAfee
Robert McKamy

Danl. A. Brewer was appointed Chairman of the Board and Robt. B. McAfee, clerk

1-Resolved that the Pews of sd church shall be sold as a credit of twelve months on the 1st Saturday in November next, the purchasers giving Bond and Security to the Trustees -

2-That the clerk be and he is hereby authorized to purchase a Record Book for the use of the Trustees - Danl. A. Brewer, Chr., Test. Robert B. McAfee, Clk.

On the first Saturday in November 1821 The Trustees again met at the church and a Large concourse of people assembled to attend the Sale of the Pews and the following rules were adopted by The Trustees -

At A Meeting of the Trustees and Managers of the New Providence church at sd church on Saturday November 3, 1821. Present.
Danl. A. BrewerPeter Vanarsdoll
Clarke McAfeeRobt. McKamy
Robt. B. McAfee, Clk.

1-Resolved That for the purpose of selling sd Pews and for Supporting The officiating Minister in sd Church The Pews in sd house shall be Divided into Five classes as follows viz; The first class to consist of twenty Pews across the house in front of the Pulpit leaving the front pew on the right of the centre row from the pulpit for the Ministers of the Congregation -

2-The second class shall consist of the Succeeding twelve Pews across the house -

3-The third class to consist of the next twelve Pews across the house.

4-The Fourth class to consist of the next eight Pews across the houseÑ

5-The Fifth class to consist of the Succeeding seven Pews across the house which will leave seven Pews next to the two west doors for other denominations, strangers, and such as are not able or do not wish to Purchase Pews, which are to Remain subject to the further order of the Board of Trustees

2-That the lowest selling Prices of the Pews and Rates of Contribution as follows viz;

1st class$20.Rate$6.
2nd class16.Rate 4.-50
3rd class12.Rate 3.-50
4th class9.Rate 2.-50
5th class6. Rate 2.Per Annume.

Which sd rates shall continue until the Farther order of this Board- Tst. Robt. B. McAfee, Clk., Danl. A. Brewer, Chr.,

These rules and Regulations were distinctly read over, and explained to the Congregation by the clerk together with all the other previous proceedings from May 15th, 1821 inclusive and adopted by the Congregation Unanimously previous to the Commencement of the Sale-All objections seemed to subside and the Good Spirit of our God pervaded the Assembly so that Peace and Harmony United all our councils and Proceedings So that many were Constraint to Bow to that Providence. To whose honor the Church had been erected For indeed he had poured out his blessing abundantly upon us

On the next day Mr. Cleland preached an impressive Sermon to a full house in which he enumerated the many and Great advantages that this Congregation enjoyd, and congratulated them upon their comfortable arrangements and completion of their house thro many difficulties and discouragements arising from the Presure of the Times, His text was . . .


A List of the prices (for Pews) and Purchasers names as Sold Nov. 3, 1821.
No.Purchasers NamePricesRemarks
1.Robert B. McAfee$60.
1.Francis McMardu (McMurdy)$26.
3.Charlotte Lapsley$23.
4.Peter R. Dunn$27.
5.John Cardwell$23.
6.Cornelius A. Vanarsdoll$20.
7.Mathew Forsythe$21.
7.Saml. McAfee$25.Now owned and occupied by his widow, Mary McAfee
33.Robt. McKamy, Jr$26.Transferred to Clarke McAfee and James M Buckanan -3/4 to McAfee and one fourth to Buckanan. Occupied by Lambert Brewer 1833-1834.
24.Clarke McAfee$20.Occupied by Thos. H. Dean, 1833-34.
35.Priscilla McAfee$20.
36.Rev. Thos. Cleland-.Reserved for Preacher.
87.Danl. A. Brewer$33.Now occupied by Mrs. Rickey-1834.
88.Saml. McCoun$27.
61.James Prather$ James Woods (Blacksmith).
62.Robt. McKamy, Sr.$40.To Wm. C. Daves.
63.John McKamy$49.Occupied by David Young, 1833-1834.
64.John McAfee$40.Occupied by his widow, Dicey McAfee.
65.Robert McAfee$36.Transferred to Lanty Armstrong.
66.Lanty Armstrong$30.
67.Jefferson Thomas$24.End of the 1st class.
9.James T. McCoun$18.2 Class-Now occupied by David McGee, 1833.
10.Peter Vanarsdoll$17.Nov. 1835 Transferred to James Vanarsdoll by P. Vanarsdoll.
11.Peter R. Dunn18.25Transferred to Jacob Rickenbaugh and by Rickenbaugh to Robt. Forsythe.
30.Isaac Coovert$17.60Transferred to William Bohon.
31.Peyton Graham$16.50
32.Lanty Holman$17.
41.Rachal Bishop$18.50Now occupied by Lyons & Rynersons /33.
40.John Norls$18.
39.Isaac Smock$17.Transferred to John J. Allen.
58.James McAfee$30.Adam-Sharpe.
59.John Curry34.Transferred to Mrs. Mary Wilson.
60.Ann McAfee$31.End of 2nd class.
12.John Redd$13.503rd class--Transferred to David McGee.
13.John Coovert$13.25Transferred to John Stephenson & by him to the Trustees.
11.William Smithy$15.
27.Garret Vandike$13
28.Simon Coovert$13.25Transferred to John Stephenson, thence to, Trustees, thence to Joseph McGee & Thos. H. Dean.
29.Jacob Sharpe$14.
44.Alexander Armstrong$15.Occupied by his mother Mary Armstrong and his son Joseph Armstrong.
43.William Davenport$15.
42.William Sharpe$23.
55.John Armstrong, Sr.$20.
56.John Black$28.50
57.Joseph McCoun$30.Occupied by his widow, Esther McCoun. End of class 3.
15.John Woods$14.25Transferred to Mrs. Mary & James Wood. 4th class
16.James Woods$11.50Transferred to James Ransdale.
25.Henry Whiteneck$12.
26.Simon M. Vanarsdoll$15.50
46.Joseph Woods$ 9.
45.William Armstrong$10.
53.David McGee$ 9.50
54.John Kennedy$15.75End of 4th class.
17.Saml. Allison5th class.
18.Anthony Cardwell$ 6.
23.John Wilson$ 6.
34.John Jones$ 7.Transferred to Abraham Noris & Wm. Wright
48.John Springate$ 7.
47.John Brewer$10.
52.William K. Vanarsdoll$11.50End of 5th class.

Total sales $1,202-75. 7 Remaining Pews Free To All: (19-20-21 22-49-50-51).


1822-This year appeared to be a new era as to the affairs of the New Providence Church, the greatest harmony prevailed in all her borders and appearances indicated that, that Providence in whom they had confided was about to Bless them in a peculiar manner, many persons were added to her numbers and many more appeared to be awakened to a deep Sense of their situation and the attention to divine was more and more observable ___________________

At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of New Providence Church at the School house of Sd Church on Wednesday Feb. 2, 1822-Present-

Danl. A. Brewer, Chr.
Clarke McAfee
Robt. McKamy
Peter Vanarsdoll
Robert B. McAfee, Clk.

The following Resolutions were adopted __________________________

1st. It is ordered that the contributions levied on the Pews of Sd Church be paid Semi-Annually by the Pew holders -

2. That Clarke McAfee be appointed treasurer to this Board __________________

3. That Peter Vanarsdoll, Lanty Holman, John Coovert & Abraham I. McMardie be appointed collectors of Sd Contributions until the farther order of this board and the clerk shall furnish Sd Collectors as soon as convenient with an equal number of the names of the Pew holders, most convenient to them and they are hereby authorized to call for the one half of the amount due immediately after the 1st day of January and July in each year and pay the same over to The treasurer and take his Receipt for the same.

4. That the Receipt of the Minister officiating in said Church shall be received by the collectors or Treasurer as Payment for the amount thereof.

5th, That said collectors shall annually settle with the Treasurer on the 1st Saturday in April in each year who shall in the same way account to the Trustees when called upon-.

6th That Isaac Smock be appointed Sexton to Sd Church who is hereby authorized, to take care of the same and see that the doors and windows are closed and secured after Preaching on each day and also controul the Burial ground attached to Sd House_____________
Test. Robt. B. McAfee--      Danl. A. Brewer, Chr.

The Trustees also proceeded to procure a deed for the Lott of Ground in which the house is Built as follows viz:

Deed-This Indenture made this 16th day of May in the year of our Lord 1822 between Clarke McAfee and Nancy his wife of the county of Mercer and State of Kentucky of the one part and Danl. A. Brewer, Robt. B. McAfee, Peter Vanarsdoll, Robt. McKamy and Clarke McAfee, Trustees of the New Providence Presbyterian church of the county and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth, That the said Clarke McAfee and Nancy, his wife hath this day for and in consideration of the just and full sum of Ten dollars to them in hand Paid the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath this day Bargained and sold and by these presents doth Bargain and Sell to the Sd Trustees and theirSuccessors in office a Certain Tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said county of Mercer on the east side of salt River, it being part and parcel of James MeAfees Settlement and Preemption and upon which the New Providence church and school house now stands containing two acres one quarter and thirty one poles be the same more or less and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a stake at the edge of the Big road, thence north 73 1/2 E. 13 poles and nine links to a stake, / Thence N. 16 1/2 W. 27 3/4 poles to a stake in James McAfees Settlement and Preemption line. thence with Sd line West 13 poles nine links to a stake in said line, Thence S. 16 E. 31 poles to the Beginning with its appurtenances, To have and to hold Sd tract or parcel of land to the Sd Trustees and their successors in office for the use and Benefit of Sd. New Providence Congregation of the Presbyterial denomination of Christians so long as Sd Church shall be occupied as such and also the Free of the well of Water South eastwardly from said Church in the Flatt or hollow also egress and regress to and from the same without any obstruction or Hinderence from the same which is hereby perpetually secured conveyed and guaranteed to the Sd. Trustees and their successors for the use of Sd. Congregation so long as they may choose to employ a Regular Presbyterian Minister to officiate in Said church and it is also clearly understood that no change or modification of the Government of Sd Denomination of Christians shall operate to revert the title. of Sd land without an essential and entire change in the Principles of Sd Church, which would tend to exclude them from the controul or Government of the Presbyterian denomination of Christians and then in case the Body of Sd Presbyterian Church should be so deminished or changed in Religious Sentiment, so that they would be unable or refuse to employ a Regular Presbyterian Minister or change in the Location of Sd. Church might become necessary Then and in such case the said Trustees or their successors in Office shall have the right to sell and convey Sd Tract of land and church for the use and Benefit of said Presbyterian denomination of Christians and the Sd Clarke McAfee and Nancy, his wife Covenants with the aforesaid Trustees and their successors in office for themselves their heirs Executors and administrators that they will forever Warrant and defend Sd Tract of land with its appurtenances from the claim of them and their heirs as well as against the claim or claims of all and every other person whatever- In Testimony whereof the Sd Clarke McAfee and Nancy his wife have hereunto subscribed Their names and affixed. their Seals the day and date first within written.

Signed Sealed Acknowledged and delivered in Presence of -
Clarke McAfee________Seal
Nancy McAfee ________Seal

Mercer County Sat. May 16th 1822-

The within Indenture was this day acknowledged in my office by ClarkeMcAfee and Nancy, his wife-a part thereto to be their act and deed and the Sd Nancy being by me separately and apart examined from her Sd husband freely and voluntarily Relinquished her right of Dower therein as the law directs whereupon I have made the same of Record. Attest Tho. Allin, Clk.

New Providence Church, May 21st 1822. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees this day These were present.

Danl. A. Brewer, Ch.
Clarke McAfee, clk. Pro tem
Robt. McKamy
Peter Vanarsdoll

It is ordered that the lot of Ground upon which the church stands be enclosed with Posts and railing of Cedar Posts and that Wm- Smithy be authorized to do the same, and that a Reasonable sum be allowed him. Test. Danl. A. Bower, Ch.
C. McAfee clk. Pro Tem-

New Providence Church August 31st, 1822.,

The Trustees of Sd Church met viz; Danl. A. Brewer, Clark McAfee, Peter Vanarsdoll, Robert McKamy and Robt. B. McAfee, clk.

1st It is ordered that William Smithy be allowed one hundred and twenty dollars for the Post and railing this day completed enclosing the lot of ground round the church including all expenses relative to the same-also five dollars the Ballance in full allowed him for Carpenters work.

2 That Peter Vanarsdoll be allowed twelve dollars, twenty cents for BlackSmith work as per account rendered-

3 That stone steps be procured for the doors of Sd Church and that R-obert McKamy and Peter Vanarsdoll make a contract for the same.

4 That two tin chandiliers be procured for the Sd church.

5 That the Pews have an additional coat of paint put on them and num

6 That the Church Bible and Hymn Book be procured for the use of the Ofticiating Minister to Remain in the Church.

7 That Fringe work be procured to place round the Pulpit and that a-reasonable allowance be made for the same.

That the trustees adjourn until the 1st Sat, in Nov. Next. Test. Danl. A. Brewer, ch.
Robt. B. McAfee, clk.

New Providence Church, Saturday, Nov. 2, 1822.

At a meeting of the New Providence Congregation on this day it being their annual meeting-present.
Danl. A. Brewer John Wilson
Clarke McAfee James McAfee
Peter Vanarsdoll Saml. McCoun
Robt. McKamy Saml. Gray
Robt. B. McAfee James Buchannan
Lanty Armstrong Saml. Allison
Isaac Smock Mathew Forsythe
Cornelius Vanarsdoll John Coovert
James Woods Richard Holman
Joseph Woods William Smithy
Robert McAfee, Jr. Robt. Smithy
Cornelius C. Vanarsdoll Lanty Holman
Alexander Armstrong John Woods
Isaac Coovert John McAfee
Peyton Graham

Majr. Saml. McCoun was called to the chair and Robt. B. McAfee appointed clerk Mr. Danl. A. Brewer moved that the Trustees procure a sufficient number of Stoves for the use of the church and that a portion of the surplus funds Remaining on hands be appropriated for that purpose. (which was adopted)

"That the Trustees be authorized to continue in office the sexton and appoint one annually to take charge of the house, keep it clean and attend and furnish necessarys for the comfort of the house"

"That the Pews continue at the same rate of contribution as heretofore for the ensuing year."

"The amount of the sales of the Pews was laid before the congregation amounting to twelve hundred and two dollars, seventy-five cents, and the expenses amounting to nine hundred and twelve dollars, forty-seven cents was also submitted and ordered to be recorded."

The congregation then proceeded to the Election of Trustees for the ensuing year, whereupon Danl. A. Brewer, Clark McAfee, Peter Vanarsdoll, Robert B. McAfee and Robert McKamy were unanimously re-elected

ordered that the annual meetings of the Congregation hereafter he held on the 1st Saturday in October.

Test.        Saml. McCoun, chr. Robt. B. McAfee.


The amount of Expense In Building N. Providence Church etc.
To amount paid for stone and Brick work to Adams and Lapsley
To amount of Carpenters work paid Robt. and Wm Smithy, Including covering making windows, sleepers joice girders &c.
To amount paid John Jones for Laying Moor
To John Rue for plastering and white-washing the Church$66.66 3/4
To Cornelius A. Vanarsdoll for making Pews & c200."
To G. Vandike and Kellers for sawing plank31. 3 _
To Robt. McKamy for cash and work23.96
To John McKamy for 'cash and work50.21
To William Armstrong for work &c6. 6 1/4
To Danl. A. Brewer for work &c.46.75
To John Wilson for Lath plank etc8.24 1/2
To Clarke McAfee for work, cash lock &c56.30 1/2
To same for setee $12.00 Chandilier $12.5024.50
To Peter Vanarsdoll for work and cash7.65
To same for Black smith allowed by Managers12.25
To cash paid Thos Cleland admister for Jos. P. Lapsley for Brick27.50
To Maj. Saml. McCoun for cash pd. Smithy5."
To Lanty Holman for D. pd. Do2.
To John Noris Do. and for Paint3.
To John Coovert Do. for Do1.50
To Simon M. Vanarsdoll for same1."
To Isaac Smock, for same and boarding workman &c13.58 1/2
To John Black for Cash paid Smithy2.
To Robert Smithy for cash advanced -1."
To John Cardwell Do. Do1.
To Alexander Armstrong Do".25
To Cornelius C. Vanarsdoll Do".50
To Abr. 1. McMardie for cash and work15.25
To Robt. C. McKamy for Cash Do1.
To Daniel Coovert Do for Do".25
To Maj. Lanty Armstrong for cash oil bordering &c29.31
To Mary McKamy for cash lent20. "
To Daniel A. Brower for cloth for Pulpit20.00
To same for cash paid for whiting1.00
To Ann McAfee for work done (pr. Deck)6.75
To Robt. & Wm. Smithys for work done on gallery11.94
To William Smithy for Post and railing meeting house lot &c.5.00 on Mrs. Bright's subscription not paid125.00
To Sam alias Sam Sheilds, for work4.50
To James McAfee for work1.25
To William Smithy for cash paid In advance1.50
To John McAfee for cash paid on subscription3.00
To James McAfee for work, 3 days getting stone steps1.87 1/2
To John McAfee two days Do1.25
To John Cardwell for 2 days Do. do1.25
To Alexander Armstrong 2 days Do1.25
To John McKamy 3 days ............Do............_ Dys. Wagoning3.37 1/2
To Isaac Smock 4 days Do. & 1/2 days wagoning4.00
To Peter Vanarsdoll 4 days Do. & 1/2 days wagoning4."
To Lanty Armstrong 2 days Do1.25
Danl. A. Brewer 1 1/2 Do".93 3/4
To Cornelius A. Vanarsdoll on old ap In full for pulpit8.37 1/2
To same for grinding Paint2.00
To Isaac Coovert for Paint1.00
To One Red Morocco Large Church Bible30.00
To Record Book for Trustees15.00
To John Jones for making shutters for gallery Door and sash for gallery windows7.60
To Maj. Lanty Armstrong for nails".69
To Isaac Smock for nails.50
Contra Cr. By the amount of Sales for Pews$1202.75
Clarke McAfee, Treasurer.


A Record of the Transfers of Pews ________________________

Robert McAfee to Lanty Armstrong-The managers of the New Providence Church will please transfer one moiety, of the Pew Purchased by me in Sd. church to Maj. Lanty Armstrong. (No. 65) Robert McAfee
7th December 1822.

Isaac Smock to John J. Allen-Col. Robert B. McAfee-I hereby transfer all my right title and interest to my Pew (no. 39) in New Providence Church to John J. Allen, For value receaved Given under my hand this 12th day, of September 1823. Isaac Smock, Test. Clarke McAfee.

Simon Coovert to John Stephenson-I hereby transfer all my right title and interest in my Pew in the New Providence Church to John Stephenson For value Receaved of him this 20th day of Sept. 1823.
To. Col. Robt. B. McAfee. Simon Coovert.
Test Clark McAfee.

Robert C. McKamy to C. McAfee & J. M. Buckannan-I do hereby transfer all my right and interest in Pew No. 33. in the New Providence Church, three fourths to Clark McAfee and one fourth to James M. Buckannan Oct. 2, 1824.
Robt. C. McKamy.

Robert McAfee to L. Armstrong-The Managers of the New Providence Church will please to transfer one moity of the Pew No. 65, purchased by me in said Church to Maj. Lanty Armstrong, 7th Dec. 1822.

Robert. C. McKamy to Clarke McAfee & James Buckanan-hereby transfer all my right title and interest in pew No. 33. in the New Providence Church, three fourths to Clarke McAfee and one fourth to James M. Buckanan, Oct. 2, 1824.

James Woods to Trustees of Church--For and in consideration of $10.80, the amount of Contribution due on my pew in New Providence Church No. 16, I do hereby transfer the same to the Trustees of said church and their successors, to be disposed of by them according to the rules of the church, witness my hand and seal this 1st day of August 1828. James Woods.

Isaac Smock to John J. Allen-I hereby transfer all my rite title and interest to my pew No. 39. in New Providence church to John J. Allen for value Reed. given under my hand this 12th day of Sept. 1823.
Test. Clark McAfee. Isaac Smock.

James McAfee to Adam Sharp-I hereby transfer my rite title to pew No.58 in New Providence Church to Adam Sharp as witness my hand this 2nd day of Oct. 1826...
Test. P. Vanarsdoll. James McAfee.

John & C. Coovert to Wm. Bohon-We, the undersigned Executors of Isaac Coovert do hereby transfer the said Isaac's pew No. 30. in the New Providence Church to Wm. Bohon, value Reed- witness our hands this 4th day of Oct. 1826.
John Coovert
Cornelius Coovert.

Anthony Cardwell to Trustees-I, Anthony Cardwell do hereby relinquish and transfer my pew in N. Providence Church No. 18. to the Trustees of said church who are hereby authorized to sell the same. Witness my hand and seal this 15th No. 1827. Anthony Cardwell.
Test. Jos H. Wilson.

John Stephenson to Trustees of Church-For and in consideration of $15.12 1/4 to amount of Contribution due on my pew in New Providence Church No .__ I do hereby transfer the same to the Trustees of said Church and their successors in office to be disposed of by them according to the rules of the Church. Witness my hand this 6th day of August 1825.
John Stephenson.

John Jones to Trustees of Church-For and in consideration of $5.00, the amount of contribution due on my pew No 24. N. Providence Church I do hereby transfer the same to the Trustees of said church and their successors to be disposed of by them according to the rules of the church, witness my hand and seal this 30th day of January 1829. John Jones.

1823-At the annual meeting of the New Providence Congregation Saturday the 4th day of October 1823 at the Church. Present.

Danl. A. BrewerMathew Forsythe
Lanty ArmstrongRobert B. McAfee, Clk.
Clarke McAfeeRobert McKamy
John McKamyAbraham McMardie
EldersLanty Holman
Peter VanarsdollAlexander Armstrong
DeaconsRobert McAfee, Jun.
James McAfeeSimon M. Vanarsdoll
William SharpJohn Brewer
John Black

Danl. A. Brewer was called to the chair and Robert B. McAfee appointed clerk.

1st. Ordered that the clerk of the Board of Trustees give certificates of Titles to the Pew Holders as follows viz: This is to certify that A. B. is entitled to Pew No. in the New Providence church (Subject to Forfeiture under the Rules of Sd. Church.)

2nd. That one half dozen common chairs be procured for the use of said church also one small table.

3rd. That a clerks Box be constructed in front of the Pulpit.

4th. That the sexton be authorized to procure tools for the digging of Graves and keep the same in some secure, and convenient place, if sufficient funds remain on hands after the Procurement of stoves.

5th. That the trustees he authorized to levy a sum not exceeding twenty dollars annually on the Pews in proportion to the classes, for the purpose of paying a Sexton for taking care of the church to be used only in case of a deficiency of the funds now on hands,

6th. That the contribution on the Pews For the support of the Revd. Thos. Cleland D. D. continue at the same rate for the next year as the last year.

The treasurer laid before the congregation his accounts for the expenditures of the last year amounting to $211.56 1/4 dollars, which was ordered to be recorded.

The congregation then proceeded to the Election of Trustees for the Ensuing year whereupon the Trustees of the last year were again re-elected. Ordered that this meeting adjourn.
Robt. B. McAfee, Clk. Danl. A. Brewer, Chrman.

1824-New Providence Church, Oct. 2, 1824.

At the annual meeting of the New Providence Congregation on this day, it being the 1st Saturday in October. Mathew Forsythe was called to the chair and Robert B. McAfee was appointed clerk.

1st. It is ordered that the collectors notify all delinquent Pew Holders and that they make special report of all such cases to the trustees on the 1st Saturday in April next.

2nd. It is ordered that the same rate of contribution on the Pews for the support of the Rev. Thomas Cleland, D. D. continue for the year 1825, and that the collectors make their collections accordingly.

3rd. The former trustees were again re-elected for the ensuing year.
Test. Robt. B. McAfee, clk. Mathew Forsythe, Chr.

Treasurers report for the year 1823.

New Providence Church to Clarke McAfee Dr.,
Oct. To cash paid Peter Vanarsdoll for his services, as Sexton for the last year$20.00
To Cash expended for stoves, pipes &c198. 6 1/4
To Do. paid Alexander Armstrong for going after same1.50
To Do. paid to Clarke McAfee expenses to Lexington and postage on letters1.50
To Do. For Do. bells Hym Book2.00
To Do. paid Peter Vanarsdall for Smithy, work on the stoves8.50
To cash paid Clarke McAfee (sexton 1824)10.00
$241.56 1/4
Contra Cr.,
By interest on notes due and uncollected4.16 1/2
Do. on P. R. Dunn's note1.58
$5.74 1/2

  • Go to Part 3.

  • Updated May 26, 2000. This transcription is copyrighted by Pete McAfee and . It may be freely used for non-commercial purposes and family research, but must not be used for any other purpose without written permission from the transcriber.