Twin City Couple Wed

Miss Margie A. Szelap, Centralia, and Edward H. Cristler, Chehalis, were married in a late September ceremony in the Chehalis Community building. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roman R. Szelap, and he is the son of Mrs. Howard Norberg, all of Chehalis.

William Robbins, Napavine Justice of the Peace, performed the double ring afternoon ceremony.

Baskets of bronze orange chrysanthemums, gladioli and dahlias were on each side of the fireplace with gold candles in the background.

The bride was attired in a two-piece white brocade dress and carried a bouquet of white orchids accepted with yellow rosebuds on a white Bible.

Miss Myrtle I. Kerr, Tacoma, was maid of honor. She wore a bronze orange taffeta dress with long sleeves accented with brown accessories and a yellow rosebud corsage.

John Tauscher, Chehalis, was best man.

The evening reception was held at the community building in Chehalis with Mrs. Vincent Pfaff in charge. The punch table was centered with a white cupid statue with bronze orange dahlias in the base.

Pouring coffee and tea were two aunts of the bridegroom, Mrs. Phillip Cristler, Chehalis, and Mrs. Richard Hansen, Centralia. Cutting cake were Mrs. Don Reynolds, aunt of the bridegroom from Centralia, Mrs. Richard Allen, Anacortes, and Mrs. Marion Stover, Centralia, both sisters of the bride.

Assisting at the punch table were Mrs. Orville Cristler, aunt of the bridegroom from Chehalis, and Mrs. Walter Giese, Centralia.

Mrs. Cap Steinhoff, Napavine, acted as hostess and was in charge of the guest book. Assisting at the gift table were Mrs. Ellsworth Cristler and Mrs. Jerry Kivela, cousins of the bridegroom, and Miss Jean Falls, all of Chehalis.

Passing groom's rice were Miss Barbara Allen, Anacortes, and Miss Maretta Stover, Centralia, both nieces of the bride.

John Tauscher, Chehalis, and Marion Stover, Centralia, acted as room hosts.

The bride was graduated from Onalaska high school and attended Centralia College. She is now employed at Green Hill school. He is a graduate of W. F. West high school in Chehalis and is employed at Central Reddi-Mix.

Source: The Daily Chronicle (Centralia, WA), Tuesday, 13 Oct 1964, p. 5.

Transcribed by Jenny Tenlen.