Anniversary Celebrated
Mr. and Mrs. Duran Davis were recently entertained on their 62nd wedding anniversary by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feldtman of Ajlune.
The reception table was covered with a lace cloth, appointed with gold candies and pink and white roses. The cake was decorated with white roses and gold leaves. Gold and white streamers with pink and white wedding bells completed the decor.
Mrs. Darrell Larsen of Bothell, cut the cake and assisting were Miss Sally Jo Feldtman, Mrs. Marlin Zable, Tanya Larsen and Debra Larsen.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis were greeted by their four daughters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rollins, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Claud Garrison, Moclips, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huntling, Silver Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feldtman. Also present were their three sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Davis, Ajlune; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis, Ajlune; and Mayor and Mrs. Ray Davis, Centralia.
Grandchildren and great-grandchildren present were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rollins and Eric, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Davis and Lonnie, Miss Pamela Davis and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Martin, Kelly and Troy, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Larsen, Tanya, Debra and Duran, Bothell; Mrs. Larry Nanney, Morton; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Garrison, Marie, Debra, Sandra, Shelley and Donald, Aberdeen; Mrs. Keith Hanger, Ronad, Robin, Steven, Susan and Tracy, Kosmos; Mrs. Roger Provost, Bellevue; Mrs. Dan Dahl, Seattle; Mrs. Marlin Zable and Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Feldtman, Eatonville and Miss Sally Jo Feltman [sic].
Source: The Daily Chronicle (Centralia, WA), Tuesday, 13 Oct 1964, p. 5.
Transcribed by Jenny Tenlen.