
Miss Agnes Gorzelancyk became the bride of Jesse L. Ellis of St. Helens, Ore., Sunday, June 22. The ceremony was held at the Catholic parsonage at Chehalis at 10:30 o'clock. The bride was beautifully attired in orchid chiffon and wore a corsage of lavender sweet peas and rosea. Her sister, Mrs. H. J. Dieringer of Portland, was the matron of honor. She wore an ensemble of green and white crepe de chine. Her corsage was of pink rosebuds. Roy Benson of Moro, Ore., brother-in-law of Mr. Ellis, was best man. The wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. H. Gorzelancyk, at Adna, after which the newlyweds left on a trip to British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis will make their home In St. Helens, Ore.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 27 Jun 1930, p. 6.

Transcribed by Jenny Tenlen.

Note: Laurie (Dieringer) Houlihan is researching the Gorzelancyk family, and would be happy to share data with others.