Fred Hamilton to Wed
The many Napavine friends of Fred B. Hamilton will be interested to learn that during the week formal announcement was made of the engagement and plans for the marriage of Miss Agnes Otto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Otto of Tacoma, to Fred B. Hamilton, son of W. A. Hamilton of Chehalis. The ceremony will be read the evening of August 9 at St. Paul's Lutheran church in Tacoma. Miss Otto, for the past three years, has been a student at Washington State College, where she has been one of the prominent girls on the campus. Mr. Hamilton is one of the most prominent men in athletics at the State College, and last year coached the freshman football team. Mr. Hamilton has been appointed assistant athletic coach at Clemson college, in South Carolina, and following the wedding the young couple will make their home in the south.
Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 28 Jul 1922, p. 2.
Transcribed by Jenny Tenlen.