Marriages Licenses

Charles O. Murphy and Grace Young, both of Onalaska.

Joseph Mackovich and Stefonia Zyggar, both of Pe Ell.

Norman Starr and Helen Olewine, both of Kalama.

August Kepper and Marguerite Gales, both of Chehalis.

John Thomas Corcoran and Lorraine Bertha L. Bellis, Olympia.

John Rowman, Littell, and Aileen E. Townsend, Centralia.

Melvin L. Howell, Dryad, and Florence Irvin of Chicago.

Carl H. Jones and Helen Westermark, Seattle.

Claud Cash, Centralia, and Esther Baker, Onalaska.

Source: The Lewis County Advocate, 6 November 1934, page 5. Microfilm available from Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Blvd. S., Olympia, WA. 98512.

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester.