Mrs. Mae Martin of Mayfield was hostess at a lovely bridal shower Friday afternoon, June 28th. The shower was in honor of Miss Bonnie Jean Lowe of Mayfield, who has recently announced her engagement to George Althouser.
The bride-elect received many lovely gifts from her numerous friends. Miss Lowe opened the presents out on the lawn, then after a pleasant afternoon of visiting, dainty refreshments were served.
Those present were Mademoiselles Lloyd Lowe, Jake Althouser of Skomokowa, Eddie Baker of Centralia, Bill Althouser of Chehalis, Herman Johnson, Orlin Marsh, Norman Howard, Oral Cusick, Walter Johnson, Merdith Core, Oliver Staudinger, B. H. Stacy, Wm Haase, C. W. Atwood, Bud McClanhan, John McClanhan, Kenneth Coleman, Pete Coleman, Win Hummel, Tom Ballard, Charles Moore, the Misses Pauline Hill, Wilma Hummel, Jean Jarvis, Cora Thompson and the guest of honor, Bonnie Jean Lowe. Those who sent gifts were: Mrs. Ceil Gulit of Centralia, Mrs. Clayton Baker, Mrs. L. Hill and Mrs. Sam Stewart.
Source: The Advocate, 04 July 1940, page 9. Microfilm available from Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Blvd. S., Olympia, WA. 98512.
Transcribed by Kathryn Lester.