Mossyrock Proud Of New School

Mossyrock, Jan. 12. - Mossyrock is well proud of its new high school building, as it is one of the finest of its kind in southwest Washington. The building is constructed of brick, steam heated and modernly equipped from basement to study hall. We are especially proud of the fine large auditorium, which is our local theater, gym and general community hall. It replaces our community hall lost by fire last year. The hard wood floor is equally fine for basketball or dancing. The stage is large and has soft gray back ground curtains and beautiful red velvet front curtains. The manual arts departments are marvels of modern efficiency, placing the rural student on the same footing as his city cousin. The entire building includes eight school rooms, the suditorium and gym and the basement. The rooms are steam heated and efficiently lighted with electric lights. The school employs five teachers and ll the subjects of the up to date hgigh school are taught as efficiently as in the city schools.

The local basketball team played at Morton Friday and lost 13 to 14.

The local town team played the Morton town team here last Thursday. The score was 16 to 29 in favor of Mossyrock.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Green have moved into the Swigert house at Mossyrock for the remainder of the winter.

Several inches of snow fell Monday night with a continual fall Tuesday.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, 15 Jan 1932, p. 4. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Blvd. S., Tumwater, WA 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester