Visitor From Alaska.

Mrs. J. Cowan, whose home is in Alaska, arrived Tuesday for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. E. L. Ruth.

Local and Personal

Mrs. Robert Roselius, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stemm, left for Seattle Tuesday. They will also visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Thieman at Bremerton before returning home. They expect to return home Saturday.

Mary A. Bryan, a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Underwood, who has been making a tour of the eastern states since last September, arrived by way of Portland for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Underwood Wednesday before returning to her home in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Underwood and Mr. and Mrs. Parson and two children of Chehalis motored to the Parson Lumber Company mill Sunday afternoon by way of Grand Mound.

E. F. Coulson was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Underwood Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roselius and three children, Luella, Everett and Eugene, and Mrs. Roselius' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stemm of Omaha, Nebr., were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carroll.

William Miller, who has been employed with the railroad company, has gone to Littell, where he is now employed.

Miss Eva Coyle has joined the violin class being instructed by Carl Moldrem of Centralia.

A large delegation from Napavine attended the Sunday school picnic at Hylak's grove Sunday. The Emery & Nelson truck took a large crowd down to the grove.

Mrs. Ethel Wood and little son, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thomas, and Mrs. D. Welcome, who has made her home for the past year with her son, Claude Thomas, left for Snohomish Falls. Mrs. Welcome will make her home with her daughter.

The J. F. Linhart store is being treated to a new coat of paint. Mr. Goodard is doing the work and will paint whenever he can spare a few minutes from the store. The painting of the store will add greatly to the appearance of the building.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mullin, Mr. and Mrs. John Place and little daughter, Mrs. Chas. Hall and daughter, Reba, attended the Methodist church in Centralia Sunday evening.

Mrs. George Munsell and little grandson, Buddie Munsell, were passengers to Chehalis Wednesday. Mrs. Munsell was a caller at the dentist's office.

Mrs. C. E. Anderson was a shopper in Chehalis Wednesday.

Mrs. S. Crusion and little grandson, Stanley Crusion, left Wednesday for Tenino for several days visit at the home of Mrs. Crusion's daughter, Mrs. Frank Clark and family.

Mrs. Eugene Howd was a shopper and visitor in Chehalis Wednesday.

Mrs. C. H. Lathrop of South Bend, who has been visiting at the F. A. Howd home, returned to her home Wednesday.

Miss Laura Hill and Charles French of Chehalis were entertained Sunday by Miss Iva Johnson at the lovely new home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson.

The posters for the 14th annual fair at the Southwest Washington fair grounds were posted in the city the first of the week.

Two cars with the official sign company people were in town Tuesday putting in new city and city limits signs.

Mrs. J. H. Proctor of Onalaska was in our city a few hours Tuesday on her way to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Marcus Otis, at Carnas, Wash.

C. A. Wood was a business caller in Centralia Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Emery and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dickinson and daughter, Dorothy, Miss Betty Ripley and Miss Carroll Main composed an auto party to Hylak's grove for a picnic Thursday evening.

Rev. J. F. Pritchard, of the Epiphany Episcopal church of Chehalis, was a dinner guest Thursday evening at the C. A. Wood home.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward and daughter, Janice, and Mr. and Mrs. Flint attended the Episcopal church in Chehalis Sunday and spent the afternoon at Alexander park.

M. F. Marshall was quite sick Monday evening and Tuesday he was about his work but not feeling the best.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Huhges were busy the first of the week moving into their new home. It will be convenient for our potsmaster, as it is only a short distance now from the new home to the postoffice.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wood attended church at the Episcopal church in Chehalis Sunday, after which they visited with friends in Centralia.

Jim Morton, who is employed at Overton, spent Sunday with home folks.

Miss Violet Story of Chehalis and Miss Elizabeth Buck of Aberdeen spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacDonald. Miss Story is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacDonald.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dickinson and daughter, Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yatis, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Emery and family, Miss Carol Main, Miss Betty Ripley, Miss Evelyn Balestra, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nelson, Helen, Donald, Jim and Eddie Nelson, made up an auto party who motored to Lake Hick, near Lacey, Sunday and spent the day picnicking fishing, boating and swimming. Mr. Dickinson, who boasts of being grandfather for a number of years, proved himself the champion swimmer of the day. A good time is reported by all.

Mrs. John Camp and little sons, Jack and Roger, spent the day in Centralia Tuesday, when Mrs. Irene Toles-Wells entertained her little son and Roger Camp at their second birthday party. The two little boys are the same age.

J. L. Gruber returned home Saturday from South Bend, where he has been visiting with C. A. Doty and family.

Miss Helen Nelson and Miss Evelyn Balestra will entertain a few of their friends at a horseback party Thursday. The girls will ride to Hylak's grove and spend most of the day swimming. The girls in the party will include Misses Carol Main, Betty Ripley, Dorothy Dickinson, Helen Nelson, Margaret Emery and Evelyn Balastra.

The Girl Scouts went on a hike to Hamilton's grove Wednesday. Mrs W. W. Emery had charge of the hikers. The afternoon was spent in trailing and different lessons in swimming.

County School Superintendent Miss Z. May Meighen has announced that state examination for teachers will be held at the office of the county superintendent, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 3, 4 and 5, at the courthouse. Those who are planning for the examination should bear these dates in mind.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacDonald was christened Lawrence Bernard, Sunday. The christening services were held, at the Saint Agnes Catholic church and conducted by Father Henry. Mrs. Louis Mikota and Maurice MacDonald were sponsors.

W. E. Broder and Doctor Parker, both graduates of the dental college of Portland this June, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward. While here for a short time, Mr. Broder has opened a dental parlor in the Burnham building, in rooms recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dorning. Doctor Parker is visiting with Doctor Broder and will go to Seattle in a few days. Mr. Broder expects to be here only a few weeks, unless business is good, but will be-ready to serve the public while here.

Mrs. Areta Dunn, Edith Lindgren, Charles Westerlund and Harry Lindgren made up an auto party which went to Puyallup Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Lindgren.

Earnest Hughes, William Hughes, Lettie Hughes and George Westerlund motored to Littell Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

Miss Laura Hawkins came home from Seattle Monday evening for a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawkins, and with other relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and family are moving into the Luther Butler house that was recently, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Spinner returned Sunday evening from their trip by auto from Bellingham and Vancouver, B. C.

Elwin Morton, who has been visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morton, went to Castle Rock Monday, where he is employed with the Silver Lake logging camp.

Mrs. Bertha Mitchell of Rainier and three children of Earl Irwin were in our city Monday on their way to Onalaska, where she intends to take charge of her brother, Earl Irwin's, home and children and make her home with the family.

W. T. Friend arrived from Medicine Lodge, Kas., Monday for a visit with his uncle, David Waggoner, and family.

Mrs. John Larson was a shopper and visitor in Chehalis Monday. Lee Dorning, who is employed in Tenino, returned to his work there Monday.

F. A. Davidson was a business caller in Chehalis Monday.

Miss Frances Miller of Walla Walla, who is spending the summer with her grandmother, Mrs. Welton, returned Monday from a trip to the Ocean Park beach, where she has been for the past two weeks.

Gunnar Halgren was in Chehalis most of the day Monday as a witness for Reuben Berg, who was taking the examination for his naturalization papers.

K. Vicklund, who has recently moved onto the Piatt place, was a passenger for Chehalis Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roush and sons, Bob, Harvey and Leonard, arrived Sunday evening from a year's trip in Oregon and California. The family will visit for a short time at the homes of their two daughters, Mrs. John and Jim Lemmon. From here they will go to Burnett, to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Roush were glad to get back to Washington and say they like it so much better here than farther south.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holmes and children of Teniiio were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. John Halgren. They were also callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parkinson.

Miss Stella Linhart spent the weekend with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. George Morton, accompanied by Mrs. Minnie Pepper, motored to the St. Urban district and to Winlock Thursday evening.

Mrs. Woodruff arrived from Vancouver, Wash., Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Linhart. Mrs. Woodruff is Mrs. Linhart's mother and formerly made her home in Napavine.

Mrs. Hill and two daughters, Kate and Minnie, of Chehalis, were visiting with Napavine friends Monday. The Hill family recently moved from Napavine to Chehalis.

J. D. Rice of Chehalis was a caller in the city Saturday.

Miss Mary Littleton and Miss Ruth Miller of Raymond, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wright for the past week, returned to their home Sunday.

Miss Ethel Johnson, who has been employed in Portland the, past year, came home from that city Wednesday to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, for a few weeks. Miss Ethel has been quite sick recently and came home to visit and regain her health.

Mrs. M. F. Delehanty made a business trip to Winlock Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Weeks and two sons of Selleck were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis. They returned to their home Monday.

Gus Hofmann, who recently lost his home by fire, held a sale at the D. H. Anderson place Wednesday and sold most of his livestock. Owing to the lack of room for the care of the stock was the cause of the sale.

Mr. and. Mrs. J. F. Allen and children of Harding's crossing were shoppers in our city Saturday.

Mrs. Gormont returned to her home in Portland Saturday after a two weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. M. B. Durga, and other relatives.

Mrs. William was a passenger to Chehalis Saturday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller.

C. Anderson was a Chehalis caller Saturday.

Mrs. Clarence Dunn and children have been visiting the past week at the home of Mrs. Mary Dunn. Clarence has been transferred from his run on the railroad from Centralia to Aberdeen, to a new run from Centralia to Vancouver recently.

Mrs. B. B. Wallace and daughter, Frances, and little son, Benton, were among the shoppers to Chehalis Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Kuhn of Tenino motored down Sunday and visited at the B. B. Wallace home. Mrs. Wallace returned home with them for several days' visit. The party will also spend a few days visiting at the different beaches.

Mrs. Sam Dorning, Mrs. Lee Dorning and Mr. and Mrs. Linn. Dorning motored to Chehalis Friday evening. Mrs. George Evans returned home from Oregon Friday, where she was called last Sunday by .the death of her mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Zunke motored home from Everett Friday, where they were called by the recent death of Mrs. Zunke's mother.

W. A. Morton bought 209 Leghorn hens Friday from Mr. Ely. Mr. Ely has a fine flock of young pullets and is selling off his older chickens to make room for the young pullets.

A. B. Davidson and son, Leland, motored down from Centralia Saturday to look after some business interests.

Miss Bessie Powell of Vancouver, Wash., arrived Saturday and is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Spinner with their daughter, Florence.

Faye McKee, who has been employed the past week at Martin's camp, near Mendota, visited over the week-end with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. Hy Mandles, Mrs. O. K. Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Burnett of Chehalis attended the dance given by the Woman's club Saturday evening.

Miss May Evans returned home from Ethel Friday, where she had been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Rose Hefley, and family.

J. S. Miller, who has been employed by the Carlisle Lumber Company, between Copalis and Pacific beaches, is moving his family to the camp this week. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have been living in the Luther Butler house.

Harold Helmick returned home from Centralia Saturday evening.

Miss Hattie Adams came down from Chehalis Saturday and visited over Sunday with her home folks.

Frank Hawkins of Centralia visited over Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Harry Hawkins.

Mrs. J. C. Linn and son, Leo, returned from their trip to Tacoma the middle of the week. On the way to Tacoma, Leo had a little trouble with the motorcycle and had to go to Tacoma for repairs. Mrs. Linn spent the time visiting with Mrs. Frank Clark. The Clarks were Napavine residents a few years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. David Urquhart of Chehalis were visiting with relatives Saturday evening.

Steve Kollar of Tacoma came down Saturday and attended the club dance and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Price. He returned Sunday. Mr. Kollar is Mrs. Price's brother.

Mrs. Enz and little daughter were visitors in Chehalis Saturday.

Abe Hanner visited Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanner.

Claude Extine was a passenger to Chehalis Saturday.

Miss Paula Olson is visiting at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Case, at Albany, Ore. She left Monday and expects to be gone about two weeks.

Mrs. Harvest Miller and Mrs. Ray Evans and little daughter motored to Centralia Wednesday and spent the day visiting at the home of Mrs. Reyburn.

Mrs. Vivian Berlin came down from Centralia Saturday to visit with her little son and daughter, and also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haight. Mrs. Berlin returned to Centralia Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Curtis of Tacoma visited with Mrs. Neis Olson over Sunday. Mrs. Curtis is a sister of Mr. Olson. The Curtis' made their home in Napavine a few years ago and will be remembered by a number of Napavine people.

Mr. and Mrs. Marts motored to Chehalis Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waggoner are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Waggoner at present. They expect to go to Oregon in the near future.

Mrs. Frank R. Byam of Portland came up from Portland Monday for a short visit with Mrs. Lucy Bushuell and Mrs. H. Miller.

Mayor and Mrs. Ray T. Evans and children and Mrs. Lucy Bushnell and James Miller motored to Olympia Sunday, where they met Mr. and Mrs. James Laurie of Tacoma, and the whole party spent the day picnicking at Priest Point park.

Mrs. E. L. Hughes and son Earnest motored to Toledo Wednesday aucl visited with friends and brought a supply of cherries home with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Saiken of Chehalis visited Sunday with Grandpa and Grandma Hanner.

Grandma Breloer was a passenger to Chehalis Saturday to visit the dentist.

Miss Bessie Hawkins of Chehalis came down Friday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Harry Hawkins, and family. She returned to Chehalis Saturday evening.

Mrs. Cart Beuter and little daughter, Anna, were shopping in Chehalis Saturday.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 28 Jul 1922, p. 2.

Transcribed by Jenny Tenlen.