Miss Katherine Simmons has resigned her position from the high school faculty and will teach at the Mt. Baker school at Deming, Wash. Miss Jennie Smith will return to Napavine as Home Economics teacher.

Mrs. Martha Totten of Chehalis spent several days visiting with Mrs. Marvin Shafer and family. Mr. Shafer is in Seattle on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Zimple and son Donald of Butternut, Wisconsin, who have been visiting relatives at the Conradi and Nagle home were dinner guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ivan Bucovich. The Zimples leave for home tomorrow.

Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Van Cleve over the week end were Mrs. Van Cleve's aunt, Mrs. Rose Schearer, Geo. Dufrane and Miss Vivian Conley all of Seattle.

Mr. and Mrs. Cery Norquist of Yakima spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Curtis, Mr. Curtis returned Saturday from St. Vincent's hospital in Portland, where he has been for the past three weeks recovering from a major operation.

Mrs. Agnes Marsh of Spokane is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Ward. On Sunday they drove to Tacoma and down over the Narrows Bridge on Tuesday evening they visited at the S. D. Holmes residence.

Mr. and Mrs. Fountain Laney and son left, Tuesday for Copalis Beach where they will stay several days.

Jean Short, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Short, is recovering from an appendectomy Tuesday at a Chehalis hospital.

A meeting of the Emery Nelson stockholders was held Monday. Dividends were declared.

Miss Catherine Falls of Seattle was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Emery. On Thursday, Miss Sophia Huhn and Miss Natalie Huhn of Oshkosh, Wis., were guests of the Emerys. Friday they drove to Yelm to visit with the Dochertys and Grubers.

Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson and children of Castle Rock and Mrs. Lincoln Shropshire of Yakima were guests at the Clifford Gibson home over the week end.

Miss Doris O'Neil of Sumner and Shannon O'Neil of Seattle were home over the week end. Miss Henrietta O'Neil leaves for Olympia next Sunday. She will again teach at the Lacy high school.

Source: The Advocate, 22 August 1940, page 15. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, Washington 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester