Routes 2 and 3, Jan. 5 - Cassie Marie Guy, a senior in Chehalis high school has been quite ill the past week, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Guy.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Strey had as week end guests Mrs. Strey's sister, Mrs. Florence Huber and Mr. Huber, also Mrs. Strey's father, Mr. Schenk of Gresham, Ore. The latter remained for a longer visit.

Miss Anna McLeod has returned from Yakima, where she was caring for an aunt, who was ill.

The Newaukum Valley Community club will hold its regular meeting at the school house Friday evening, January 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopkins have moved from the Gallogly farm to their own home.

Mr. and Mrs. Sigrid Lawson of Chehalis now live on the Gallogly farm. Mr. Lawson and son expect to engage in the chicken business. Mrs. Lawson will continue to operate her beauty parlor in Chehalis.

Ben Balmelli has rented the home recently vacated by Andrew Olsen and family and will have a tenant soon.

Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olsen were happily surprised when a number of their fellow Sunday school workers with their families called on them, bringing a delicious lunch. The evening was a most enjoyable one and the Olsen's appreciated greatly the kindly thoughtfulness of their friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Olsen have moved to the Dewey Long farm, which they purchased recently and where they will make their future home. Their many valley friends regret their leaving, as they were active in all community activities and excellent neighbors. However, the best wishes of all go with them to their new home. Andrew, Joe and Roger enrolled in the Knox school Monday.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 8 January 1932, page 9. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, Washington 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester