Newaukum Valley Honors Mrs. A. Olsen

Chehalis, Routes 2-3, Jan. 19. - Thursday afternoon a number of club friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mrs. Grant Gleason to honor Mrs. Andrew Olsen, who moved, recently, to their new home. The ladies who enjoyed the afternoon were Misses. Judd and Allender, Mesdames Judd, Hopkins, F. Shorey, L. Shorey, F. Miller, C. Miller, F. Hamilton, D. Hamilton, C. Hamilton, N. Hamilton, W. Hamilton, Sturdevant, N. Hansen. W. Cleveland and Venard; the guest of honor, Mrs. Olsen, and the hostesses Mesdames W. and G. Gleason.

The following children had another good play time with Jean Olsen: Donald and Dorothy Sturdevant, Susette and Marian Judd, Ella May Miller and Betty Hamilton. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Olsen received many beautiful and useful gifts.


Many from the Valley joined with friends in a farewell party for Perry Reid and family at the Union school house last Wednesday evening. Mr. Reid left the last of the week for their new home near Grandview. Mrs. Reid and the children will remain here until the close of school. Orville is a senior in Chehalis high school.

Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hendricks and daughter Miss Mildred drove here from Sequim Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Venard. Mildred enrolled in the senior class in Chehalis Monday She will make her home with the Venards the remainder of the school year. Mr. and Mrs. Henricks returned home Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Flagg were in Tacoma Sunday.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 22 January 1932, page 2. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, Washington 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester