Week's Social Activities In Onalaska District

Onalaska, Feb. 10. - Vernon Greear was pleasantly surprised Saturday night when a number of his friends walked in on him and reminded him that it was his birthday. The evening was spent playing 500, after which lunch was enjoyed. High scores were held by Wilma Greear and John Jones; low by Margery Cupp and Curtis Smith. Present were Hazel Eidsmo, Beth Perry, Marian Greear, Wilma Greear, June Smith, Hilda Oest, Margery Cupp, John Jones, Frank LaPlne, Sherman Hockett, Curtis Smith, Clayton Smith, Alvin Llndeman, Irwin Lee. Gerald DesJardin and Karl LaPine.

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Morgan of Portland spent the week end with the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward.

A number of friends of Abel Brodbeck surprised him Friday night, the occasion being his birthday anniversary. The evening was spent playing 500, after which lunch was enjoyed. High scores were held by Mrs. Allan Austin and Henry Cholnere; low by Mrs. Ora Hovies and Wm. Morison. Present were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brodbeck, Mr. and Mrs. M. H Young, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Zettel, Mr and Mrs. Ora Hovies, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cholnere, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Austin and Dr. arid Mrs. Wm. Morlson.

Mrs. M. H. Potter of Seattle is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Z. Brown.

At their regular meeting Thursday night the Eastern Star received Mrs. V. Wosika into the order by affiliation.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Paquette of Belllngham are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. V. W. Hobson.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lauderdale made a business trip to Seattle Tuesday.

Miss Edna Berg was surprised by a number of. friends Monday at the home of Mrs. Leon Beam, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. A social afternoon was enjoyed, after which lunch was served. ; Present were Mrs. Jas. Morton, Mrs. Bob Littleton, Mrs. Etta Rachau, Mrs. Anna Powell, Mrs. Mac Powell, Mrs. Sandine, Mrs. G. B. Haupt, Mrs. Harley Dingus, Mrs. Walter Berg and Mrs. W. T. Berg.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 12 Feb 1932, p. 16.

Transcribed by Jenny Tenlen.