Onalaska Classes Elect Officers

Onalaska, Sept. 22, - The following classes in the high school have elected officers for the coming year; Freshmen, president, Bob Sparks; vice-president, Wilma Greear; secretary, Margery Cupp; treasurer, June Smith. Sophomores, president, Evelyn Morrow; vice-president, Karl LaPine; secretary Iola Misner; treasurer, Edith Literal; sergeant-at-arms, Walter Pierce. Juniors, president, Richard Zettel; vice-president, Florence Literal; secretary and treasurer, Vera Briggs; sergeant-at-arms, Gerald DesJardin.


H. L. Lauderdale spent several days the first of the week in Seattle on business.

Mrs. Albert Miller of Eatonville spent last week with her mother, Mrs. A. D. Grabenhorst.

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Morgan of Portland spent the week end with the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward.

Dr. and Mrs. S. E. P. White spent the week end in Naches, where the former preached at both the morning and evening services at the Presbyterian church.

Hazel Lee, Lois Brockway, Leslie Clyde and Carl Sparks left over the week end for Pullman where they will enroll for the coming year at W. S. C.

Olaf Bys left Sunday for Seattle to enter the University for the coming year.

Mrs. W. B. Hatch entertained last Tuesday evening with a corn and weiner roast, complimenting the Misses Freda Helmholtz and Bonnie LaVere, at the old covered bridge site on the Newaukum river. There were seventy-five people in attendance.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGee and family visited over the week end at Lake Cushman with the former's sister and family.

Mrs. P. V. Larson of Eugene, Ore. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. R. Butz.

Mr. and Mrs. D. L.Locke and family visited in Malone Monday with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Colwell.

Miss Myrtle Flannigan, who is attending business college in Seattle, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Flannigan.

Mrs. Carl McClellan and two daughters of Vancouver spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. N. M. Chapin.

Miss Florence Choinere left Sunday for Seattle to enter the University for her senior year.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, 25 September 1931, page 16. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, WA. 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester