The Onalaska high school entered in both the typing and shorthand contest held at Adna Saturday and sponsored by the Lewis Count Teachers Association. They carried off high honors in the typing and placed second in shorthand. In typing Willa Morison was first in individual speed and accuracy. Willa Morison and Maxine Girrard were first in team speed and Willa Morison and Donna Dershay placed first in team accuracy; those entering this contest were Willa Morison, Donna Dorshay, Maxine Girrard and Margery Cupp. In the shorthand test Margery Cupp placed second; other entrants were Wilma Greear, Willa Morison and Margaret Olson.

The high school track team attended the track duel held in Mossyrock Friday and placed second.

The Juniors will take the Seniors on their annual trip to Mt. Rainier Saturday.

"Hey, Teacher", a burlesque play will be presented by the grade school faculty Friday night at the high school auditorium. The proceeds will be used to buy music and kindergarten supplies.

Mrs. D. S. Hartman is enjoying a visit from her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Raymond of Spokane, and her uncle and aunt from Idaho.

Miss Herdes Hansen, advisor for the girls league and the following delegates, Miriam Ingraham, Ruby Beckwith, Elese [sic] Sims, Lous [sic] Kitchell attended the girls conference held in Kalama Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Simms and two daughters spent the week end with relatives in Portland.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foley and family spent the week end visiting in Tacoma and Seattle.

Mrs. D. J. Kalkwarf, who has been visiting her daughter, Miss Amanda Kalkwarf, has returned to her home in Ritzville. In her honor before leaving Mrs. E. R. Robinson entertained a few friends Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wallace spent the week end at Aloah [sic] with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Manferd [sic] Wallace.

Miss Sigrid Hansen entertained the sewing club at her home last Thursday night.

Miss Olive Hardan spent the week end at her home in Bellingham.

Miss Thelma Steutzer and Art Schultz of Portland spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Powell.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greear and family of Ryderwood visited Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Greear.

Virgil Briggs entertained a number of his friends Monday night with a dancing party at the lodge rooms in honor of his birthday.

Richard Zettel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Zettel, is included in a list of 500 who distinguished themselves in scholarship at the university of Washington at Seattle the past year.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Laman and family left Saturday for a visit with relatives at Medford, Ore., (unreadable)

(Unreadable) with her friend, Miss Ruth Austin.

The new room which is being added to the Extine Hall in lower Onalaska will be completed in time for the regular Saturday night dance this week. The addition is 10 feet by 54 feet and will house the ticket office, check room, lunch room, and seats for spectators, leaving the entire dance floor to the dancers. Halgren's orchestra plays for the regular Saturday night dances, and Ernie Cupp's orchestra plays for the Friday night affairs, which are being sponsored by the Onalaska Democratic Club.

Mrs. D. H. Desmond entertained the O. E. S. Auxiliary last Wednesday.

A pretty home wedding was solemnized last Saturday when Miss Gladys Andrus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Andrus became the bride of Walter Chappell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chappell. Dr. S. N. P. White officiating.

(Unreadable 2 paragraphs)

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Case and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Grabenhorst and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Robinson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hamreus and son, Mrs. George Farnham, Marguerite Robinson, Bertha James, Amanda Kalkwarf, Merle Riley, and Herbert Truant of Seattle formed a party spending the week end at Copalis Beach.

Mrs. J. E. Morgan and daughter Judy and Miss Adeline Kelly spent several days last week visiting in Portland.

A daughter was born Sunday, April 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Valeous.

A son was born Monday, April 16, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tucker.

A son was born Thursday, April 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hammond.

A daughter was born Monday April 9, to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Corbett.

(Unreadable paragraphs)

Source: The Lewis County Advocate, 20 Apr 1934, page 3. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Blvd. S., Tumwater, WA 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester