Pe Ell, Dec. 2. -

Christmas Seal Sale

Alfred Perks and Mrs. J. G. Dunlap have been appointed by the Lewis County Tuberculosis League, as the local committee in charge of the twenty-fifth annual sale of Christmas seals locally. The co-operation of the public for the success of this annual effort is earnestly solicited by the local committee.

Miss Hess' Father Dies

Miss Gertrude Hess, instructor in home economics in local high school, was called to Tacoma Monday by a message announcing the sudden death of her father.

City Election Tuesday

Attention is called to the annual municipal election at the town hall, next Tuesday, December 8, for the selection of a mayor, three councilmen and a treasurer. L. E. Parker for mayor; M. F. Floyd, E. T. Morrow and Melvin Weese, for councilmen; and Mrs. Maude Morrow for treasurer, are the nominees.

Frances Martin Wins Honors

Frances Elizabeth Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Martin of Pe Ell, who was enrolled as a freshman at Washington State College last year, will receive a Phi Kappa Phi scholarship certificate for the year 1930-'31. To secure this recognition, a student must have attained a 90 per cent average for two semesters, with a program of at least fifteen hours for each semester. The award is given for freshman and sophomore work only.


Supt. Alfred Perks will leave Saturday for Yakima as a delegate from Lewis county to a meeting of the legislative committee of the Washington Education Association.

Members of the Altar Society of St. Joseph's church announce one of a series of popular card parties, to be held at the Masonic hall Monday evening, December 7.

Mrs. T. R. Henry returned Tuesday to her home in Chehalis following a holiday visit in Pe Ell at the home of her son Jay Henry.

Mrs. Lucille Siefert was hostess at a charmingly appointed dinner Thanksgiving day at her home. Among out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hightower, Mrs. Gladys Diefendorf, Miss Thelma Blakemore and Miss Margaret Humphreys, all of Centralia. The gathering included also Mrs. Georgie Humphreys, the hostess, and two young daughters, Gladys and Mildred.

Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hamilton and children of Seattle were members of a large family dinner party Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Morrow.

Mrs. Elmer Jastad was tendered a surprise party by her friends Tuesday evening, at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. C. Payne. The honor guest was presented a number of pretty gifts. Following a social evening, refreshments were served.

Thirty members of the senior Ladies club and their guests were entertained by Mrs. Martha Snelson at her home Saturday evening. Following a delightful program refreshments were served.

Members of the Literary and Civic club were sponsors for a successful card party at the Masonic hall Monday evening. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of a fund admintered [stet] by the Washington State Federation of Women's clubs for co-operation with war veterans. Honors for high schores were awarded Alfred Hanson and Mrs. Ola Helmick, C. L. Jenness and Mrs. Helen Schwald drew consolations.

Miss Dorothy De Forde of Cancouver [stet] visited over the Thanksgiving holiday with her sister, Mrs. Alois Stannek, and her father, L. H. De Forde. Mrs. Stannek was hostess for a family group at a sumptuops [stet] Thanksgiving dinner.

Mrs. Frank Best of Montesano was a holiday visitor in Pe Ell, a guest of her mother, Mrs. Harry Crisman.

Mr. and Mrs. Fucey Cutlip returned Tuesday to their home Amolalla, Ore., following a holiday visit with the former's mother, Mrs. Ella Gardner.

Miss Veroka Wampler, of the high school faculty at Dallas, Ore., spent the holiday and week end in Pe Ell with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wampler.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, 4 December 1931, page 12. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, WA. 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester