
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Justice are the parents of a girl, born the 19th. Mrs. Justice is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller.

Lemar Woods, who has been laid up with an injury on his foot, is able to be recovering nicely.

Mr. Jenning, who has been holding a position at Mr. Rainier the past summer months, has returned as school teacher here.

Miss Goldie Kerr, who has been attending summer, has returned to her postion here as school teacher here.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kerns and family were Chehalis visitors Saturday.

Dick Miller, who has been home a few days visiting his parents has returned to his portion.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hadaller, who has been away visiting at Wenatchee, returned to their home. They report a fine vacation trip.

W. A. Miller, who was badly injured by falling from a prune tree at his home is on the way to re... (rest of column missing)

Source: The Daily Chronicle, 26 September 1935, page 4. Microfilm available at Centralia Timberland Library, 110 South Silver, Centralia, Washington 98531

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester